post #9000000 GET!

Tag creation: drama layer

Posted under General

(Edit: Former thread title, "Tag help: Background symbolic animal clash?")

Do we have a tag for what's going on the bottom panel of post #990653, where two people are facing off in a battle of wills, and some sort of dramatic background representation of the clash appears? (e.g. tiger v. dragon, lightning bolts, mongoose v. snake, etc.)

Seen it a thousand times, etc.

Updated by MyrMindservant

That background is a parody of the "(Eastern) Dragon-and-Tiger Picture/Painting." It's a popular theme in both Chinese and Japanese art. How about Dragon versus Tiger or Dragon vs Tiger?

See also:

FYI, the Chinese word 龙虎斗 (lit. Dragon and Tiger Fight) has another meaning... ->


Danielx21 said:
You could search dragon tiger for that. It returns only two pages.

Yeah, I think that's a more reasonable approach for now, and I was looking for a slightly more general tag -- mostly the idea of the background changing to reflect tension that what this one specifically changed to.

So, if we go for drama layer, what kind of posts are most likely to have one? I'm guessing searches on a few dramatic pairs like dragon tiger, mongoose snake, and hawk snake might turn up some, plus elemental searches like fire, waves, lightning, etc.

I stumbled onto post #311079 while working on other tags, and I was wondering if anyone else thought that drama layer should apply here or not. My original tag idea was for dramatic face-offs, but should it also apply to background changes during poses?

If it's metaphorically there (like all the background of panels 2-6 of post #311079 ), then it's there to add to the drama, so would count as drama_layer. I don't see why such a common theme should only be restricted to one situation. drama_layer confrontation or whatever the correct tag would be, could then narrow it down to face-offs.

The only issue I see is that this will mostly apply to comics, and most comics only have artist, character and copyright tags as it is.

Serlo said:
The only issue I see is that this will mostly apply to comics, and most comics only have artist, character and copyright tags as it is.

That's a separate issue, especially if BCI Temp can kindly fill drama layer with a number of posts for us.

Anyway, most drama layers now present in tiger dragon, at least, are not from comics.
