There should be a limit to the frequency with which unprivileged users can post comments to posts. Tonight we had gdrgames0 posting in French, and NewType posting randomly. I don't mind comments, but when people do commenting streaks like those, they flush everything else off the front page of comments, which is all most people seem to check.
Speaking of which, how about increasing the number of pictures per comment page? Since there are many more users now, the number of comments has increased too.
Is there a proper way of posting comments? I was only browsing while waiting for another thing the computer trying to crank, so I had a bit time. I was just commenting like I saw other people do.
Actually, is this a problem because I am an unprivileged user? I didn't want it to happen this way. I welcome any suggestion on how I can correct the problem or use Danbooru properly.
I think it's just the number of comments that bother some people. ::shrugs:: Maybe check the "do not bump" box more often, if you're just commenting on the image but not really giving new information or whatever?
I don't check the comments page often enough to really see the flooding though, so I don't have much of an opinion on it.
Not bumping is a good idea. People read comment/index in case people have questions about translation notes, source, etc. If you're posting a vacuous comment, that takes up space on comment/index that might bump off a more important question off the front page.
Thanks all for the info. It is not likely I'll be doing this that often again. But if I do, I'll make sure it doesn't bump.
I am not sure how I can do things sequentially instead of randomly, since there isn't a particular order of things... I may have jumped from topics to artists and back to topics again.
I'll work on becoming a privilege user (if there is indeed a proper procedure for it). Perhaps by posting more and commenting less... It will be nice to see the other half of my own posts.
Albert explained the problem well; the comments page should be used for things which you want other people to see and comment on; if you're posting a streak of comments, please check the "do not bump" box unless they (or the pictures) are particularly interesting. If you just want to say that you like a picture, voting for it (see "score" under "statistics") should be enough.
NewType, when I said you were posting "randomly" I wasn't implying that you should be following a particular order. Don't feel too bad about this, btw; we still haven't worked out the exact etiquette for commenting, as you have seen.