post #9000000 GET!

Tag Implication: single_elbow_glove -> single_glove

Posted under General

I wouldn't use either tag if the character wears two different gloves. To me, single glove/sock/whatever implies that the other hand/foot/leg is not covered by a glove/sock/thighhigh/kneehigh.

S1eth said:
I wouldn't use either tag if the character wears two different gloves. To me, single glove/sock/whatever implies that the other hand/foot/leg is not covered by a glove/sock/thighhigh/kneehigh.

It actually can work pretty well.
Images like post #1011935 will be tagged only with single_glove.
post #1036610 - single_glove and single_elbow_glove.
And images like post #1022485 can be tagged with single_elbow_glove and gloves, because she is wearing both gloves but only one of them is elbow glove. I don't see a reason not to tag single_elbow_glove in such cases, after all character *is* wearing it.

So can we remove this implication. I was wrong when I requested it.