
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Danielx21 said:
I disagree.

  • All posts of "I Have the Power" depict badasses. All posts of "I Have the Power" can be posts of the pool "Badass".
  • However, "I Have the Power" still is a single group and useful group. All the badasses of "I Have the Power" radiate very much power of energy. If the pools were merged, we would lose that distinction.
  • As an alternative, if someone can create a well-thought tag for "radiating very much power of energy", the pool could possibly be deleted. However, that concept may be a little too subjectice to be taggable.

for me at least, the pools are pretty much the same. the pools don't delimit from each other and offer caveats. I Have the Power says: Every picture should show someone in an action pose, radiating power or energy, looking intense. Badass says: Epic poses, awe-inspiring scenes, determination, strength and expressions that say "bring it on". it looks more like a rephrasing of the other.

regarding tags, we could use a possible combination of energy, glowing, explosion, fire, electricity, serious, etc. and the underused power, and maybe a wiki (and a clean-up) for those lacking a definition.

just a simple browsing any of those tags (even a single tag/pass) and you could see a post that can be pooled as I Have the Power .

just like i said before, i don't really consider it pointless, but rather a redundancy perhaps.


I disagree too, actually, but...

Danielx21 said:

  • As an alternative, if someone can create a well-thought tag for "radiating very much power of energy", the pool could possibly be deleted. However, that concept may be a little too subjectice to be taggable.

Battle aura?

ghostrigger said:
it looks more like a rephrasing of the other.
just a simple browsing any of those tags (even a single tag/pass) and you could see a post that can be pooled as I Have the Power .

...except for all of the things that don't involve radiating power or energy. Remember that having a large body of potential members is not an argument against making a pool.

I think a lot of this reluctance, again, comes back to the point I and others have made in the past about the inadequacy of the pool UI for users. Fortunately, it's a solvable problem, and thus not something we should allow sway us when we make value judgement.

Hellbus said:
pool #737 "Colored pubic hair"

Could easily be replaced with a tag of the same name.

i think we should just tag it as pubic_hair and the hair's color (ex blue_hair). colored pubic hair, in name alone, would make me think ANY pubic hair shown at all should be tagged since pubic hair always has some kind of color to it.

and since we're on the subject,

pool #1974, Your Curtain Doesn't Match Your Carpet
this can easily be turned into a tag, like unmatching_pubic_hair or unmatching_hair if we want more use out of it, like tagging someone who has facial hair a different color then their hair on their head..
This can support the pubic hair x color hair tag combo if the person has unmatching pubic hair.

pool #2604, Stray pubic hairs.
Could easily be tagged with that name or simply stray_hair for hair not connected to the body, unless there is already a tag for this

it's ok for me if pool #3350 (I Have the Power) stays or evolves into a tag.

but if it stays i hope the definition be revised and be made clearer.

i've checked well written pools like pool #1753 (I am the King!) which explicitly says a branch of pool #1277 (Badass); and pool #1446 (Heart-Breaking) that offers caveats and related pools which pool #3350 (I Have the Power) lacks.

even pool groups listed pool #3350 and pool #1277 independent of each other not particularly a subset. thanks.


pool #4399

Actually, I created this pool, I'm wondering whether or not the neck is to specific of a fetish, or if should be expanded to include neck + shoulders, or something like that.

At any rate, I'm not really into the beauty of necks, so help finding pictures that qualify would be greatly appreciated.

Hellbus said:
pool #533 "Touhou - Gothic Lolita"

This is effectively a touhou gothic_lolita search. There is a note about a Pixiv tag so I'm not as certain on this one.

This was a project on pixiv, I created the pool to contain only response images for that particular project.

I thought I'd kept the pool private to prevent additions of arbitrary touhou gothic_lolita unrelated to the project but it seems that someone got it unlocked and added a couple of unrelated images. I have just removed them and re-locked the pool.

Danielx21 said:
I still stand by what I said in forum #67403.

That's not a viable defense for the pool in question. Just because some other pool is subjective and is still in existance doesn't mean that it should be; it just means that it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet, or no one cares to mention for whatever reason. Regardless, if I search the tag bride I will find all of the images pooled in pool #4425. If a pool's entire contents are covered by a single tag, then the pool is unnecessary.

Iceburger said:
That's not a viable defense for the pool in question. Just because some other pool is subjective and is still in existance doesn't mean that it should be; it just means that it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet, or no one cares to mention for whatever reason. Regardless, if I search the tag bride I will find all of the images pooled in pool #4425. If a pool's entire contents are covered by a single tag, then the pool is unnecessary.

I organized (almost) all the themed pools into useful lists, so I know their criteria very well. As I said, most are centered around subjective traits such as awesomeness, sex appeal and cuteness; I specifically mentioned "Perfect Breasts", "Stoic Beauty" and "Badass Adorable" in the answer you criticized.

You seem to believe that pool #4425 and bride are redundant to each other; absolutely, they're not. One is for any brides and the other is for the hottest brides. One has many hundreds of brides and the other should have the least number of brides possible. The same distinction applies to pool #1677 and breasts: all the posts in the pool should be tagged, but only some tagged posts should be in the pool.

Related discussions: forum #36896 and forum #55789

P.S.: This has became so controversial, I think we should "move" or start a new thread if you want to continue discussing the issue. That way, we try to keep this thread a place for obvious and quick deletions only. It'd be easier for the people who delete them.


Just want to say that I also think that all "Hot Something" pools (listed in forum #67397) are pointless, same as other completely subjective pools.

And the, previously mentioned, presence of "Perfect Breasts" or "Perfect Ass" pools is not a valid argument. When we deal with pools for body parts we can at least judge the anatomy and proportions, so these pools aren't entirely subjective.

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