
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Hillside_Moose said:
You mean other than they're completely subjective pools with no real standards or guidelines? The observation that you're the only one adding and deleting posts suggests "favorites pool."

Did you check all the histories of the pools in question? In my experience, it would be only natural for any pool (regardless of their value and standards) created because only one person designed it, to be reasonably expected to be edited by only that person, for a relatively short period of time. However, all these pools were further edited by more people as well, except "Hot Waitress".

They're just as subjective as other themes like "Perfect Breasts", "Stoic Beauty" and "Badass Adorable", which rely on characteristics such as sexyness, beauty or cuteness. If the text explaining the guidelines and standards of "Hot Teacher", etc. can be improved, I'd suggest doing so, instead of outright deleting the pools in question.

One notable unspoken rule of these pools is the fact that all images share a certain degree of quality; "Hot Teacher" is not just a mere imitation of the tag teacher (or only a list of the tagged female teachers), but lists the most attractive ones, with "revealing" clothes, as required — at least in the opinion of the editors; most noticeably, my own opinion as the creator, of course, as if it were a "favorites" pool like you mentioned, despite it being subject to the views of any other editors.

I clearly noticed that some degree of consistent quality also governs the pool Perfect Breasts (pool #1677) without the need of explicit rules to that purpose. Its description is absolutely simple ("Area for perfect breasts." and nothing more), yet many people selectively add posts to it regularly, and remove some of them occasionally.

Vezon_The_Insane said:
pool #4338 Yuukarin
pool #4337 Touhou-Yuuka Kazami, The Ultimate Sadistic Creature
pool #4342 Conversational Pieces
pool #4333 gutbusting hilarious
pool #4336 stupid, sexy reimu

all of these have nothing in them. and are all just pointless things that don't really need to be pooled.

Seems like there might be some sort of conflict going on between two of the users in regards to everyone of these pools except pool #4342. All of them were created by the user Donovan The Hedgehog , and in 4 of these the user Neo X has emptied out the pools.

edit: Though it seems the account Donovan The Hedgehog is less than 24 hours old.


Mysterio006 said:
Seriously, haven't somebody already contacted this guy about his pool creations yet?

Now, because people keep removing the posts from his favorites pools, he is starting to make new copies of them, and attempting to prevent people from "deactivating" them by setting them to private pools. If there was any doubt before it's certainly dispelled now - those are full-on favorites pools.

See: pool #4361, a copy of his Yuuka pool, or rather "Yukka"
pool #4362, a copy of his "Yuukarin" favorites pool.

pool #4336, pool #4337, and pool #4338 have yet to be deleted, as well.


ghostrigger said:
pool #3350 - I Have the Power

not really sure if pointless, but i think this fits well to Badass pool already. merge maybe.

I disagree.

  • All posts of "I Have the Power" depict badasses. All posts of "I Have the Power" can be posts of the pool "Badass".
  • However, "I Have the Power" still is a single group and useful group. All the badasses of "I Have the Power" radiate very much power of energy. If the pools were merged, we would lose that distinction.
  • As an alternative, if someone can create a well-thought tag for "radiating very much power of energy", the pool could possibly be deleted. However, that concept may be a little too subjectice to be taggable.
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