post #9000000 GET!

column and pillar tags

Posted under General

I think column could be redefined to make it a specific subset of pillar.

Just taking's definition, a pillar can be "an upright shaft or structure, of stone, brick, or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height, and of any shape in section, used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument."

A column then is a "a decorative pillar, most often composed of stone and typically having a cylindrical or polygonal shaft with a capital and usually a base."

For our tagging purposes the important parts are the presence of a capital (the decorative upper end) and/or base (decorative bottom end). If the image has a "pillar" with a decorative upper or bottom end, it can be tagged "column." If it lacks those features, then it should just be tagged pillar.

This will require column -> pillar implication instead of an alias.


I know there will be some gray areas in distinction though, but I don't think that will be as big a hassle since they'll all fall under the pillar tag.

renamed the thread. i'll add the important points for the wiki definitions then.

and as pointed above, unless i've mistaken, the minimum requirement for a column (for tagging purposes) is the presence of at least one of the following: base or capital. better if both. but, if both are missing or cut/obstructed from view, it's a pillar.
