
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Shintear said:
Akward sex has different types though. There's the actually awkard position, and the other type where one of the people having sex (usually the girl) is uninterested, doing something else, etc.

The former could keep the awkward_sex name and the latter could be called bored_sex or something similar.

Cyberia-Mix said:
pool #4066 - Heart of string, is solid tag material.
Though since it's brand new it may be worthwhile to let it float a little while to help it getting populated by other users.

Went ahead and added heart_of_string tag to them all and deleted the pool.

feline_lump said:
pool #4333 - Gut-busting Hilarious
pool #4334 - Stupid ,Sexy, Reimu

I'm not completely sure about this, but both of these pools just seem too generic to me.

(edit: Looks like someone else posted about the latter pool at about the same time as I did. How uncanny.)

There's a sudden surge of these things. Who the hell keeps making them?

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