

Posted under General

True, I guess I could check the URL from the user listing and get the number. On the other hand it's still a pain to actually investigate claims of abuse and all if I can't easily see their tag/comment/note history. Using direct URL workarounds is kind of annoying though it's good to be able to use them when needed.

Strange. Can you access mine? For the record, of the people who have recently posted here:

I can access on both hosts: Fencedude, jxh2154, Log, CodeKyuubi, psich, RiderFan, z905844
I can't access on any host: cremefraiche, Skingraft, Moonspeaker

cremefraiche said:
I can access on both hosts: Fencedude, jxh2154, Log, CodeKyuubi, psich, RiderFan, z905844
I can't access on any host: cremefraiche, Skingraft, Moonspeaker

I can and can't access those same profiles.

Skingraft said:
I'm having similar issues, I'm able to look at everyone else's profiles fine but I'll get a timeout without fail if I try and look at my own. Same with my favourites page.

The mirror makes no difference whatsoever.

This is the same problem I'm getting. Same problem on Hijiribe

Just wanted to join in da club as I too cannot access my own profile due to failbooru/database timeout on both danbooru and hijiribe. I haven't been able to access it for almost 2 weeks now.

I can look at others profile though, but only some, not all.

Its causing a bit of a headache as I've gotta to search lots of posts just to know whether the pics I've uploaded been approved, deleted, etc. Been hard to keep up T-T

Just posting to confirm the same issues that everyone else is having with getting Failbooru messages upon attempting to view user profiles. But it seems that I have better chances of being able to view profiles of users that are Privledged and up than I would with just standard Members.

Hinacle said:
Searching user:ShadoWy87 should cover that for you all the same.

I tried that for a Notes search, but it didn't yield any results. How do I look up my own Notes history now, until this problem's fixed? (I've managed to find workarounds for seeing my Artist Subscriptions and Comment history, but not Notes.)

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