not sure about everything. I like the idea of linking to where you can buy a doujin, feel that would help out a lot.
Im thinking though, maybe we should do something on a smaller scale.
Maybe we should just start adding to pools where you can legally purchase an artist work. like for mitsumoto's mystia and mokou comic, since a preview of this doujin was released on pixiv (and is on the site), maybe we could let the pixiv samples stay up in the pool but also link to where you can purchase a copy of the work for yourself, obviously a link to where the artist themselves are gaining money from the purchase, as well as note weither or not the artist wants the work to be uploaded or not.
Or on the artist's information page, add the link to their store, if they have an online store where we can buy not just doujins but other works from them. a way for them to get more possible purchases i guess.
i don't know the technicles of this so ridicule as you will.