
Change log

Posted under General

jxh2154 said:
I'm curious, do we have any statistics on how sophisticated the average search is? The data would be a bit skewed since the vast majority of users can't go above two, but it would be interesting to see what percentage of the time they use both those tags, and what the average is for priv+. Oh, and how many times a search is kicked back for being over the limit, though it'd probably only happen a handful of times per user.

Yes, I have researched this. And when I checked a year or two ago, like 90% of searches were one tag, an additional 8% were two tags, and an extremely small percentage used more than two. This is what drove me to use 2 as the cap.

If you're a power user, then yes, two tags is absolutely not enough. But 90% of the users of the site don't even know metatags exist. I consider paying for a privileged account to be a fair price to have access to an extremely powerful search engine. When it works, anyway.

I've received a lot of good feedback in my email, most of it positive. What I'm most surprised by is the lack of responses. When I was fishing for janitors I got 8 pages of responses in days. I barely have two pages of feedback so far.

Which tells me that most users of the site are happy with the status quo. Or at least they're not angry enough to email me.

Common complaints I see:

1) Moderator inconsistency when it comes to borderline posts.

2) Single moderators and janitors having too much power to delete.

3) Trying to contribute to the site can be daunting for newcomers.

Some changes I am planning on:

1) Privileged users will be able to see deleted posts.

2) A new status:any metatag that lets you see every post, regardless of whether or not it's deleted. Will only work with privileged.

3) Posts can be flagged multiple times. I think this is a no-brainer as it doesn't take anything away but gives more information. But this has some far-reaching consequences with how flagged posts are dealt with. More on this later.

4) An appeal system as a way to counteract flagging. I agree the deletion appeal thread isn't scalable.

5) A better dashboard. Right now it's close to useless. I will open it up to janitors. Hopefully the flag/appeal stuff will be dealt with from the dashboard instead of the mod queue. I will also add information about tag updates/notes/uploads from members+privileged users so mods are better capable of promoting users. I want to hear ideas about other metrics that should be made visible.

6) I will change the help links to point to the wiki.

7) Neutral user feedback.

8) Featured content. Comments/posts/wiki pages, things that are community-created and deserve to be highlighted in some way. It would be selected by mods.

9) A moderator history that keeps track of any deleted post, undeleted post, deleted pool, comment edit, or banned account. This history will be visible to the public.

@Anelaid: You most likely already hit the 'Hide' link, which subsequently causes the banner to disappear once the page fully loads - resulting in it "flickering".

I think the banner should be hidden by default when the page loads, and only unhidden if there isn't a cookie value that denotes the user has already seen/hidden the banner.

Action_Kamen said:
I sent an email asking about putting a thirty second wait time between uploads/posts. Are you considering it?

I'm not sure I see the value in this, at least for vetted users. What does imposing an artificial cool-down time help with? Non-vetted members already have a daily limit in place, so I don't think it will do anything additional to prevent floods.

albert said:
1) Privileged users will be able to see deleted posts.

2) A new status:any metatag that lets you see every post, regardless of whether or not it's deleted. Will only work with privileged.

Privileged users can already see deleted posts from the Tag Statistics sidebar and they can also see the full-sized image from the image size under Statistics. Members can do the same using status:deleted. Is this going to be about how deleted posts are displayed?

Shinjidude said:
I'm not sure I see the value in this, at least for vetted users. What does imposing an artificial cool-down time help with? Non-vetted members already have a daily limit in place, so I don't think it will do anything additional to prevent floods.

Its more for the sake of tagging. Its a general practice to upload minimum tags like artist, character and copyright before moving unto the next upload. The idea behind that is to move onto the next upload as quickly as possible. With a 30 second slowdown between posts you can use the next 30 seconds tagging the post before moving unto the next one.

Action_Kamen said:
Its more for the sake of tagging. Its a general practice to upload minimum tags like artist, character and copyright before moving unto the next upload. The idea behind that is to move onto the next upload as quickly as possible. With a 30 second slowdown between posts you can use the next 30 seconds tagging the post before moving unto the next one.

That's better dealt with with dmails and/or negatives if somebody consistently omits tags. I don't really have a problem with people uploading and tagging afterwards; I'm not gonna force any particular workflow on anybody as long as the result is tagged posts in a reasonable timeframe.

A 30-second cooldown won't accomplish anything, especially with competitive uploaders. They'll be too busy hammering the F5 key and preparing the bare minimum tags for a new image than go back and flesh out the tags of an old one. All this does is level the playing field for competitive uploaders and redistributes uploads more evenly among them, rather than have all uploads skew toward one like it is now.

Anelaid said:
Also, I think the reason why there aren't more people commenting is that, at least for me, the blue notice is glitched. It shows up for a second and then vanishes.

<div id="state-of-danbooru"></div> is visible by default.
After the page itself loads, java script hides the div (display:none) if you have the "state-of-danbooru-link-hidden" cookie set to 1 (when you have pressed "Hide" before (maybe also if you've sent a mail through it)). In other words, it's not glitched, but just slow.

Action_Kamen said:
Its more for the sake of tagging. Its a general practice to upload minimum tags like artist, character and copyright before moving unto the next upload. The idea behind that is to move onto the next upload as quickly as possible. With a 30 second slowdown between posts you can use the next 30 seconds tagging the post before moving unto the next one.

That would be a bitch when it comes to uploading comics. Its easy enough to set a minimum of tags and I generally go back over it and add more tags.

So I don't support a cooldown.

I'm not really into the competitive uploading circle, so my concern is how this makes uploading comics, especially those with more than 5 pages, a pain.

Fred1515 said:
Privileged users can already see deleted posts from the Tag Statistics sidebar and they can also see the full-sized image from the image size under Statistics. Members can do the same using status:deleted. Is this going to be about how deleted posts are displayed?

Janitors and above see them exactly like normal posts so just imagine the current flagged post page with the text replaced.

albert said: Some changes I am planning on

Letting priv see deleted is fine, there are ways to do it now anyway as far as I know.

3) Posts can be flagged multiple times.
- Probably fine, we can deal with flag/approve/flag wars the same way we do tag wars or note wars.

4) An appeal system as a way to counteract flagging. I agree the deletion appeal thread isn't scalable.
- As long as it's not a "majority vote = automatic approval" thing.

7) Neutral user feedback.
- I like this.

I've deployed some preliminary changes. I'll just copy the commit log:

  • Posts can now be flagged multiple times
  • Added a new builder user level (functionally equivalent to privileged). This is just a way to highlight contributors who shouldn't quite get unrestricted upload rights.
  • Added new status:any post search metatag
  • Expanded mod dashboard
  • Mod dashboard is now accessible to janitors
  • Flagged posts are no longer automatically deleted
  • Flagged posts no longer appear in the moderation queue
  • Janitors can now search for ip addresses
  • Dtext spoilers now always render as a block (gets around some formatting issues with inline spoilers)
  • Upload limit changes. Before you had to do some weird math to figure out the final limit, and for users with thousands of uploads already it didn't work very well. Now the upload limit is just a hard limit. If it's 10, you can upload 10 posts at a time, regardless of how many approved/deleted posts you have.

I have not yet implemented appeals, neutral feedback, and have not updated the help links yet.

  • The banned ip page isn't linked from anywhere for non-admins.
  • The invite links in the dashboard are useless for janitors since we don't have invites.
  • You forgot to mention that the tag search limit was increased to 7.
  • Why are flagged posts not automatically deleted? That just screws up the whole system.

albert said:

  • Upload limit changes. Before you had to do some weird math to figure out the final limit, and for users with thousands of uploads already it didn't work very well. Now the upload limit is just a hard limit. If it's 10, you can upload 10 posts at a time, regardless of how many approved/deleted posts you have.

How is this hard limit determined? I don't think Mr. GT is going to be happy about this...

Some other things I've noticed:

  • The Delete option is no longer available from the mod queue.
  • Flagged posts no longer say the name of the user that flagged them. I just see the reason given and then (1).
  • The dashboard would be more useful for Janitors if we actually had invite powers, even if it was only up to privileged/builder level.
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