
Civility on the forum

Posted under General

Action_Kamen said:
I agree with this but I also see a rise in trolling, passive aggressive remarks and flame baiting as an unintended consequence.

All of those things were not allowed before this decision, and to be honest, I Don't see where they are showing up in the forum.

These are guidelines I can follow.

Action_Kamen said:
I agree with this but I also see a rise in trolling, passive aggressive remarks and flame baiting as an unintended consequence.

Honestly, I think you're jumping to conclusions. And if any of that were to happen, anyone moderating the forums should have enough sense to sort that crap out from the constructive posts and warn/punish accordingly.

Just because Forum Civility guidelines were instated by Albert doesn't mean we will have to tolerate transparent stupidity from people.


i have no problem with this policy and it is a privillge to be on this site. i do enjoy the artwork and help from other users on here. i hope i can do my best in reporting what i think might be consider inapporiate.

Speaking of civility, I think this should extend to the automatic messages.

I just got one for making a mistake *copy/pasted the wrong source* and the message comes off as condescending, rude, and talking down.

I don't care who it is, it sends a really bad message to have a warning sound outright rude. Maybe it was just an accident, but the bold and italic text definitely makes it sound confrontational.

Who better to portray how we SHOULD act than the webmaster, after all?

TheMuffinMan said:
I just got one for making a mistake *copy/pasted the wrong source* and the message comes off as condescending, rude, and talking down.

I couldn't disagree more -- I find that it states the facts clearly, pointing out in no uncertain terms that a mistake was made and that the recipient probably needs to change their behavior to prevent the problem from recurring, and that its tone is entirely appropriate to their purpose. At worst, you could say that "that fixes NOTHING" in the final paragraph is slightly over the top, but calling this 'rude' and 'condescending' is a little ridiculous.

Of course, if the message has changed between the one I got and the one you got, disregard the above entirely; for discussion's sake, here is a copy of the one I received 5 months ago:

RaisingK said:
Regarding post #958404 ( tag edit @ 2011-07-21 05:12 ):

You gave this post the source of a pixiv manga sample ( ), but it was actually the full size ( )--the full size was either identical to sample or not uploaded from the URL you supplied (Danbooru automatically downloads the full size when possible).

Check your other recent edits/uploads for other corrections this scan may have made, and please be more careful in the future. If you really do know better and just made a random mistake, don't worry about it. Nothing else will be done, and you won't get any other notices unless other mistakes are found in later scans.

See also howto:pixiv, pixiv thumbnail, and pixiv manga sample. If you have any questions, please contact jxh2154.

Additional information:

pixiv thumbnail: Non-manga pixiv images come in three sizes: the small thumbnail that shows up in searches and illustration lists (e.g. ), the medium thumbnail that shows up on 'mode=medium' pages (e.g. ), and the full size that shows up on 'mode=big' and 'mode=manga' pages (e.g. ). Note the '_s' and '_m' at the end of the thumbnails' filenames. If the image's dimensions are small enough, one or both of the thumbnails will be identical to the full size, but don't count on this.

pixiv manga sample: Manga-mode pixiv images come into two sizes: "sample" versions that are displayed initially (e.g. "") and "big" versions linked to (if you are registered) by the icon above each page as well as the page number (e.g. ""). (Old images don't have a big size, however.) Sometimes the two images are identical, and other times the difference is very slight--the sample's filesize can even be much larger than the original's, due to the terrible resizer pixiv uses. Posts that match the sample but not also the big size (when it exists) are pixiv manga samples, regardless of the nature of the difference.

The full version is the only one that should be uploaded to Danbooru. Once a post has been uploaded, however, the source should point to the exact same image as the post. Do not change the sources of existing thumbnail/sample posts to point to full size images that aren't exactly identical--that fixes NOTHING. In the future, upload directly from the correct full size links. In the case where the thumbnail/sample is identical to the full size, using the thumbnail/sample URL is still wrong, because it hides the fact that it the post really is the original version.

It also bears mentioning that RaisingK is not the webmaster, but rather a helpful user of the site who has a number of scripts he uses to police the site to ensure everything is uploaded and sourced correctly and consistently.

For the record, problems that go beyond "this user and is making stupid comments (this goes in the comment delation thread)" and "this user is flooding Danbooru with nothing but garbage posts (which should probably go in the deletion request thread? Maybe get it's own)" should be dmailed to albert or jxh directly. The forum isn't really an appropriate place to call out posters reasons other than that.

Skbabaji38 just flooded the forum with 4 pages(!) of spam like this:

skbabaji38 said:

{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji{GSM} {91-9982822666} love problem solution babaji

"Censored tag, motherfucker! Do you use it?"
On post #2318463.
Hmm, I read recently some posts in the comment section and some flag reasons and it seems the climate here is quite....heated.
Would it be possible to implement an alarm button to mark such aggressive posts for the moderation?

tapnek said:

The voting system and warning and banning users for their comments is sufficient. Also, this thread is about the usage of the forums.

But would be faster and more direct since one can tell a reason why one voted a comment down.
For the use here...ok I see. I thought forum and comments aren't that much different.
But ok, I'll do it in the future this way.

Provence said:

"Censored tag, motherfucker! Do you use it?"
On post #2318463.
Hmm, I read recently some posts in the comment section and some flag reasons and it seems the climate here is quite....heated.
Would it be possible to implement an alarm button to mark such aggressive posts for the moderation?

I'm fairly sure that guy was just trying to be funny by quoting Pulp Fiction.

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