Posted under General
I just came across post #849995 and noticed that feet_in_water implicates water. Is it really that important that the liquid the feet are in is water? Should I make a feet_in_lava or feet_in_molten_rock tag?
I'd rather not turn a blind eye to that. (edited here) For the action, it would be soaking_feet. I think that's a better broad name for what the character is doing. I don't think all instances of feet_in_water would necessarily automatically be soaking one's feet.
I prefer soaking feet.
soaking_feet is a good tag.
Hmm, how about having feet_in_water implicate soaking_feet (as well as water), instead of aliasing it? This way we could keep the current definition and implication (which is accurate for all but one image so far).
Yes, have you ever heard of clock_towers?
I've always thought that the tag name feet_in_water is too general for the intended use described in the wiki.