
Tag Alias: dark_magician/dark_magician_girl -> black_magician/black_magician_girl

Posted under General

Given that these are characters that are cards, I think it makes more sense to use the English names to reduce confusion. From my understanding, the card game is still very popular, and the majority of people who will likely be searching will be used to the English names of the cards. In terms of similarity, these are much more similar Pokemon, so I don't see why one is a special case and one is not. The cards themselves could be seen more or less as the monsters that are collected and come in a variety of names, and much like Pokemon have readily known English names for them.

Given that we'll have to make alias for all of them to begin with regardless of direction, I think it makes much more sense to go with English in this case as using the Japanese will just cause unnecessary confusion going as a standard policy with these.

sgcdonmai said:
"Wicked Howling God Grimro".

Thank you, it's just as I thought. With the popular "Demonic Roar Gods" and in some games used, "Fiend Roar Deities", we already have 3 different translations (and there are even more possible 3-word-combinations).

@glasnost: It's the first translation, from when fans translated the (at that time newly released in Japan) set "DUEL TERMINAL -魔轟神復活!!", which spread in the fanbase. Similar to UNL.


NWF_Renim said:
Given that these are characters that are cards, I think it makes more sense to use the English names to reduce confusion. From my understanding, the card game is still very popular, and the majority of people who will likely be searching will be used to the English names of the cards. In terms of similarity, these are much more similar Pokemon, so I don't see why one is a special case and one is not. The cards themselves could be seen more or less as the monsters that are collected and come in a variety of names, and much like Pokemon have readily known English names for them.

Like Fencedude said, Pokemon are a special case due to the sheer number of them. Sure, you could argue that the same applies to the massive number of YGO cards, but realistically the majority of YGO card characters are unlikely to ever make an appearance on Danbooru.

I've gone through around 55% of the images tagged yuu-gi-ou and have found so far at minimum 54 different cards. Not all of them were simply characters from the cards, but in some cases parodies of scenes depicted in the card (such as post #527954). I would not be surprised though if we have around ~100 of these cards in images. There are those that have not been tagged with a name, such as post #517544.

I think given the vast amount of possible cards that we could in theory end up with as this franchise keeps running and with the variety of parodies, personifications, and references that could be used for an image, it is a much better choice to go with the English names. These cards are very much a special case, and we can't predict which cards will end up on danbooru and which will not.


Even with Pokemon, it has more to do with the Japanese being ambiguous than us wanting to specifically cater to the English-language fans.

If the Japanese YGO card names tend not to be ambiguous, then let's use the Japanese and alias the official English name to it.

To complete this then, some things that'd need to be done would be making sure that we tag the cards that we do currently have, since there are some that are tagless. Since there aren't a lot of posts for most of these individual tags, it might best to alias just those with lots of posts (like the ones proposed in the op) and just cover those that have names that are very different between Japanese and English. An example of the different names is post #317448, where the card in English is named "Queen of Thorns," while the Japanese name is "Hell Bramble."

If we do forgo aliases for those that don't have many posts with similar Japanese-English names, we could instead include in a list of these tags both the English and Japanese names. This way we could reduce making tons of alias for too many tags with like 1-4 images.

NWF_Renim said: If we do forgo aliases for those that don't have many posts with similar Japanese-English names, we could instead include in a list of these tags both the English and Japanese names. This way we could reduce making tons of alias for too many tags with like 1-4 images.

I agree with this approach - I'll just need someone to get me a list of what needs to be done since I know zilch about YGO.

Sorry for bumping an ancient thread but I wanted some clarification.

So the idea is that all of the Yuu-Gi-Ou monsters will use the Japanese names correct? If a monster has a lot of posts, regardless if the English name is similar to Japanese name, then an alias should be created towards the Japanese name. If a monster has a low number posts but the English name is similar to the Japanese then no alias is created and the monster is added to a list. e.g. the full name for queen_dragoon would be Ryuu Majin - Queen Dragoon, the English name is similar, Dragon Devil - Queen Dragoon so no alias would be created. (Is there a list? I did search on the wiki for one but I couldn't find it.) In the case of NWF's example Queen of Thorns vs. Hell Bramble would an alias be created or would the names go on the previously mentioned list or would both events happen?