post #9000000 GET!

Pool name ideas- Theme: Touhou Kaguya & Mokuo beeting the **** outta each other!

Posted under General

While going through pics for the new "Touhou - The Neet Princess" pool I made I've noticed that there isn't a pool for everybody's favorite (and most violent) pairing. I'm planning on making a pool dedicated to their eternal beat downs and I would like to hear some ideas for a name for this pool.

Updated by Mysterio006

localhazzard said:
I've tried opening the tag but it says it won't let me with the basic account. I think creating a pool would make the topic more open for every user.

The rule is not to create any pool if it can be covered within 6 tags. You will have to contribute in someway or pay $20 to get the search privileged.

rantuyetmai said:
The rule is not to create any pool if it can be covered within 6 tags. You will have to contribute in someway or pay $20 to get the search privileged.

I've been looking at the tags on the posts that would fit in the pool and they don't match up very much. The posts range from them actually fighting (in numerously countless ways), both being knocked out, standing toe-to-toe, or even just plain messing with each other by non-combat means. I believe this pool does fulfill the prerequisite of going beyond 6 tags.

I can see that you want only the violent battles between the two, but to be honest I see it as a lot more useful and interesting to have all interactions between the two, both the serious and the comedic, and everything in between. Just as long as it concerns only the two against each other.

Still, I wouldn't mind a pool either way.

I'm very much against making this pool. Before we have had something like "Touhou - MeiSaku" dedicated to Meiling and Sakuya loving relationship, but it is deleted because basically you can search for most of the content with those two's names.

Now instead of love, it's a rivalry relationship between Mokou and Kaguya. I don't think there is a need for special treatment.


By the way of this topic, I want to say something about the validation of most Touhou pools recently. It's kind of a headache when new pool for every character pop up everyday, next is what? "Touhou - Yuugi dropped her sake", "Touhou - Reimu's desperation for donation", etc and etc.

Every character, not only of Touhou, have their own associated joke and meme. These things you encountered a lot when searching for that character. Not all posts have it, true, but it's not too convincing to me to make a pool like that.

PS: This comes from someone who loves Touhou very much.


rantuyetmai said:
"Touhou - Yuugi dropped her sake", "Touhou - Reimu's desperation for donation", etc and etc.

Stop giving people ideas.

At any rate I agree with trashing this pool. Heck you don't even need more than two tags to find most this. It might be a little more work sure, but really it's not even that much, just some minor sifting.

I think the Neet Princess pool should get the axe while we're at it.

rantuyetmai said:
It's kind of a headache when new pool for every character pop up everyday, next is what? "Touhou - Yuugi dropped her sake", "Touhou - Reimu's desperation for donation", etc and etc.

On that matter, there is the Fem Yuugi pool for a single character only. It was mentioned in the pointless pools thread, but nobody ever responded to it:

evazion said:

The Yuugi with muscles/abs make up 4% of all Yuugi images. That means 96% would have to be in that pool. Those 4% are much more pool-worthy, but we don't do that because that's what hoshiguma_yuugi ~abs ~muscle is for.

On the topic:
We already have a 2 pools for that:
pool #2182 Fate, Damn you!
pool #1384 To the Death

edit: @Anelaid:
? Her ingame appearance IS her official portrait.
Do you mean Alphes' art in the advertisement card for SA? That's not canon, but you can find it by adding kimono or japanese_clothes to your tag search. Also, most images in the pool don't show her with that costume, but simply with visible breasts/cleavage. post #381903 is neither feminine nor that alphes-made costume, only a lack of visible muscles = -abs -muscles.


It is less to do with her not being muscular and more based off of her official portrait which had her being depicted as being more feminine than she is ingame. I'm not sure if this is a pixiv meme but I know it was based on something else other than muscles.

While I'm all for discouraging and reducing the number of pointless pools, it's convenient to get exactly what you want with a single click, based on what users put into the pool, isn't it? The number of pools existing shouldn't be an issue. Don't we want to give users less work to find popular topics, not more?

Yeah yeah, I'm a damned Touhou fan too.

rantuyetmai said:
By the way of this topic, I want to say something about the validation of most Touhou pools recently. It's kind of a headache when new pool for every character pop up everyday, next is what? "Touhou - Yuugi dropped her sake", "Touhou - Reimu's desperation for donation", etc and etc.

Every character, not only of Touhou, have their own associated joke and meme. These things you encountered a lot when searching for that character. Not all posts have it, true, but it's not too convincing to me to make a pool like that.

PS: This comes from someone who loves Touhou very much.

Mysterio006 said:
While I'm all for discouraging and reducing the number of pointless pools, it's convenient to get exactly what you want with a single click, based on what users put into the pool, isn't it? The number of pools existing shouldn't be an issue. Don't we want to give users less work to find popular topics, not more?

Yeah yeah, I'm a damned Touhou fan too.

I understand that making a pool for every little thing in Touhou is enough to crash any system. However each character has at THE VERY least over 1000s of posts that can take more than one sitting to go through.

Whenever I make a pool I always ask myself if the new pool can be filled with a large number of posts that are already available on the site.
Then I decide if the theme is popular enough that it will have a continuous amount of new revelant posts that can be added to the pool later on.
Lastly I figure if there will be enough interested users who will continue to add these new posts on their own to make the pool highly active on it's own without my intervention.

So far all of my pools have been very active and have been posted at the top of the pools section along with every major pool on this site with little to no intervention on my part. If I ever do create a pool that is a dud with no updates made by any other user for an extended period of time I'll be willing to take them down myself.

rantuyetmai said:
It's kind of a headache when new pool for every character pop up everyday, next is what? "Touhou - Yuugi dropped her sake", "Touhou - Reimu's desperation for donation", etc and etc.

Actually Reimu's donation idea did cross my mind at some point, however it's a pretty gloomy theme. Plus I already checked the "poverty" tag and there isn't enough posts on Reimu exclusively to make a very large pool so I passed on the idea myself.

Mysterio006 said:
I can see that you want only the violent battles between the two, but to be honest I see it as a lot more useful and interesting to have all interactions between the two, both the serious and the comedic, and everything in between. Just as long as it concerns only the two against each other.

Still, I wouldn't mind a pool either way.

Actually the idea of them still fighting even after is 1000s of years is a bit of a joke in itself. While violence can be (in a sick way) fun every now and then I actually want to encourage other means of bickering for this pool. I want a large variety of posts showing how they're willing to argue over every insignificant thing such as (post #543031). In this one there's no contact and the atmosphere isn't even tense, yet even then they're still messing with each other.

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