Hrm, albert already okayed it, but I dunno, I think keeping the _(type) suffixes to an absolute minimum is a good idea. And it's not like you can add a true type for it because it's going to conflict with an existing character almost by definition.
Posted under General
Sorry if this counts as spam, as I really don't know where else to post this.
It says that I have quite a number of uploads, but I can't see most of them. I think it's because I didn't select "safe" for some of them when I uploaded. Maybe it would be helpful if users could see all of their own uploads regardless of content?
forum #544:
I would be all for that idea. Seeing as i myself upload a lot of T2's work, i tend to be really picky in what and what not to upload, trying to pick out mostly safe images.
There's just something about uploading images then being unable to view/browse through them that just bothers me somewhat. Anyways, having the ability to at least sift through images i myself have uploaded, regardless of rating, is really something i'd like the option of having.
Now i like the concept, but again it's all about implementation. We'll have to see if it can be carried out easily above anything else.
forum #544:
Ah, so that answers my question on page 3 then.
forum #595:
I actually felt ambitious one day, and went to the last last last page, searched -rating:safe and started marking relatively safe things safe.
I think I "safe'd" ~200 pages worth (~3000 images... or maybe its 200 pages I went through total, so probably closer to ~1000 changed) before I regained my sanity and realized I'd never ever get through it all >_>
forum #597:
Well I browse new posts in the order they're posted, so anything new I'll catch mislabeled, usually. and I've been tearing through ratings a series at a time (when I feel like marking an entire series)
If I can add one more thing not to do... don't do what Lunaris is doing.
They're uploading images randomly tagged as 'characters' 'copyrights' etc. I... don't get it. Is there some kind of bug they're encountering? Or are they really just tagging images "characters".
That is not a good tag.
Also, uploading images without tags in general isn't a good idea, for all those images I'm seeing that are purely 'tagme'.
jxh2154 said:
Hrm, albert already okayed it, but I dunno, I think keeping the _(type) suffixes to an absolute minimum is a good idea. And it's not like you can add a true type for it because it's going to conflict with an existing character almost by definition.
I agree completely, this is a change from the policy of making tags accurate only as long as they don't get inconvenient in the process. Also, consider that people are already too lazy too add "sketch" or "oekaki". foo_(cosplay), which is really unwieldy, is just not going to be used.
Oh, and if you push for foo_(cosplay) nevertheless, at least tag with with foo as well, so that searching for foo doesn't lose cosplay.
This came up again in the comments for post #144684. I can see no reason why that picture shouldn't come up when searching for "archer", "izumi_konata", or "archer+izumi_konata".
In general, if you're interested in a character and want to look up related pictures, you're probably going to be interested in pictures of other characters cosplaying as him/her (which are often pretty funny, too). They're going to be a tiny percent of the total, anyway, so they shouldn't bother anyone; and if you really insist on only seeing pictures of Archer as Archer, you can always search for "archer -cosplay".
Bottom line: "_(cosplay)" is a bad idea; use normal character tags and add a separate "cosplay" tag instead.
Note that "real world" cosplays are always going to be tagged as "photo+cosplay" at a minimum, so this does not introduce any confusion.
We discussed this on IRC, and decided on the following guidelines (approved by albert) for pictures of character A (eg Konata) cosplaying as character B (eg Archer):
- mandatory: add both character tags (eg "izumi_konata", "archer");
- mandatory: add "cosplay" tag;
- if you have OCD: you can add another tag (in addition to the other ones, not instead of them) with the _(cosplay) suffix (eg "archer_(cosplay)").
[02:08] * miku_h has quit (Quit: miku_h)
[02:08] <LaC> miku_h: there seems to be a problem with the forum... I wanted to add the post in the thread where this was discussed, so I
[02:08] <LaC> oh, he's left
[02:09] <LaC> well, check out what happens when you follow a direct link to a post and then reply to it:
[02:09] <LaC>
[02:09] <LaC> but here is the parent thread:
[02:09] <LaC> it doesn't show up :/
See forum #1261.