I keep running into this and I never know how to call it.
post #676517
post #598093
bored is too specific, expressionless is insufficient. I was thinking of flat_eyelids.
Posted under General
I keep running into this and I never know how to call it.
post #676517
post #598093
bored is too specific, expressionless is insufficient. I was thinking of flat_eyelids.
Not a well populated tag, so refer to Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/search.php?word=%E3%82%B8%E3%83%88%E7%9B%AE&s_mode=s_tag
Hmm, I was unaware it had an implication of emotions more negative than boredom. Now that I look it up, Japanese glossaries agree, though I still think the fixed stare is a more defining characteristic - the term comes from じーっと, after all.
Also, we already tag tsurime and tareme as such, though I suppose those refer to artistic features.
Katajanmarja said:
jitome does sound worth considering, but will not attract many taggers unaware of this discussion.
Is there a tag that ever succeeded in doing this outside from people of the forums anyway? Pools get a lot of support from members for several reasons but tags hardly get any.
I'm not defending jitome but I don't think names make much of a change in popularity.
I'd rather start any tag concept with a very catchy pool name then turn it into a tag once users have jumped on it and filled enough posts.
Drooping/slanted eyes are the translations for tareime/tsurime but are those definitions really going to help you spot it in images better than the description in the wiki?
There's nothing to argue though. .0002% of users bother posting in the forums. 100% of users have instant access to the wiki in a single click.
Log said:
Drooping/slanted eyes are the translations for tareime/tsurime but are those definitions really going to help you spot it in images better than the description in the wiki?
No. They help me to grasp the -me 'eye(s)' tags as a group and to keep it in mind as such when deciding what to tag. The same goes for basically any new terminology forming patterns, be it of Greek, Latin, Russian or whatever origin.
I'm probably the exception to the rule, but whenever I see a tag that I don't know I always check the wiki.
Off topic a bit; Perhaps a method to highlight new or underused tags would be useful for Danbooru 2. Janitor or Mod+ would be able to select tag(s) that would show up in an interface similar to pools at the top of pages that have it, with links to the next post that has it. It could automatically add any posts and expire after a certain amount of time, making it a simple fire and forget.
Of course anything not self-explanatory like jitome is would get a wiki description.
Also, the tag we're currently discussing is expected to be added to tag group:eyes tags.
I think tsurime and tareme are doing fine like this personally.
Suiseiseki said:
Perhaps a method to highlight new or underused tags would be useful for Danbooru 2.
For starters, it'd be helpful to have the wiki recent changes filtered by tag type. Gentags changes would be easier to track.
The difference I see is that tsurime and tareme are typically elements of character design, whereas jitome is typically not, and (with few exceptions) is only used to indicate a character's current mood via facial expression.
I'll be okay with it either way, but I'd prefer flat gaze.