
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

nanami said:
post #799479
post #799477
post #799474
post #799473

Why were they passed when other pictures in the series of Sister Princess swimsuit pics from Nagase Yutaka's "Sisters File" artbook (such as post #799266 and post #799265) were given the approval?

Personally, I don't like the way Nagase Yutaka draws faces, thus I passed on them.

I see no reason why those shouldn't get approved by the same people who approved the others though.

But I did pass on all of them, originally.

I approved two of them, but for the other two I agree with the "weird faces" thing. For the two I approved I thought it was acceptable but something just feels off about the other two. Though same as Fence, no objection if someone else approves them.

Fencedude said:
Vaginas don't work like that!

That could be easily said for many other posts, especially those that show cross-sections. I lost count how many times i had to wikipedia a real vagina and try to match it up with the pictures.

The really bad part would probably be the arms. The artist seem to have gotten lazy there and it looks very, very strange. Or is it just me?

nanami said:
post #788597
post #789749
post #790984

Do you think the faces in each of these pics did them in?

The middle one wasn't bad, so I undeleted it.

The other two...eeeehhhh...they aren't "bad", but there's nothing special about them. The first one almost gets undeleted just because its of two relatively rare characters, but thats not really a justifiable reason for undeleting. The third one is just bland and boring

Krugger said: post #810121

I like the color, but not the way the right girl is drawn, especially her legs.

HNTI said: post #812761, post #813713, post #813893, post #813934, post #814436, post #814498.

The last one is nice, I undeleted it. The first one is alright, but I don't like how her breasts are drawn. The rest has some unpleasing aspects (not really well drawn, head too big, hands too small, upper arms too short, respectively). I don't mind if the others approve it though.

caina said: pool #2628

You should not be surprised when an entire manga pool got unapproved, but okay...

Maybe next time just upload the 3 best pages first, and see if they get through?

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