I've seen the suspended account error (該当ユーザーのアカウントは停止されています) and the deleted image error (該当作品は削除されたか、存在しない作品IDです), but now I've run two new errors, and I don't know what they mean. Anybody have a clue?
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You can browse through the appropriate level of public works
Found in post #305919, post #304524, and post #306171, among others. Most posts with this error are already bad id, but the deleted post error is still in use elsewhere.
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This work, Gekka is only open Maipiku'sIf you want an application for browsing Maipiku, Gekka Maipiku's Become
post #305973 (Gekka meaning the artist, link ). That one's a functioning artist...
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This work has been published only in Nasan new MaipikuMaipiku filed an application if you want to view it and become the new Nasan and Maipiku
As is this one (post #305412).
Updated by DakuTree