post #9000000 GET!

Circle -> Artist aliases

Posted under General

winter_scenery has the same problem stripe_pattern does.

I'll throw in a _(circle) -> name alias but I honestly don't think anyone who doesn't know the artist name will think to add _(circle). Doesn't hurt to have it though.

Did tohonifun.

Anelaid said: I've never seen winter_scenery used as a tag. Perhaps include a wiki note if it is used that if you are looking for the circle by the same name, go to the artist page and provide a link.

Sure it's not a tag but it just seems a ambiguous to attach to an artist. Does the circle call itself "winter scenery" or the Japanese equivalent?

asatsuki dou -> ugatsu matsuki


jxh2154 said:
Does the circle call itself "winter scenery"?

Yes, he does. It's the site name too.

On another note, I've notice something strange in artist search field. In the case of kannazuki_hato, at first I only fill in the "group" field as winter_scenery and save. Then I cannot search any artist with "winter_scenery" query. But if I fill in his "other name" field with that then I can search "winter_scenery".

However, artist atoshi have KOTI as both other name and group, and I cannot search for artist KOTI at all.


rantuyetmai said:
However, artist atoshi have KOTI as both other name and group, and I cannot search for artist KOTI as all.

I think it's probably the capitalization that prevents it from turning up in a search. Actually it looks like I've mentioned that before in the last post in forum #32615. Capital letters in the source field are also similarly unsearchable (forum #10412)

EB said:
I think it's probably the capitalization that prevents it from turning up in a search. Actually it looks like I've mentioned that before in the last post in forum #32615. Capital letters in the source field are also similarly unsearchable (forum #10412)

I see, I'll change it to normal letters then.

happy_flame_time -> haruka_akito

tsukiyo_gensou -> yuuki_eishi

koti -> atoshi

gp-kids -> takana_shinno

teddy-plaza -> seo_tatsuya

All circles I requested alias will be the original name or the official romanization they used unless indicated otherwise.


Anelaid said:
haniwa_store -> haniwa

It's an English translation of their circle name. I won't opposed to this, but it's not gonna help other users who is not familiar with Touhou doujins.

jxh2154 said:
Is there a reason why we need to alias them if it's not being used?

I made this thread because usually I visit the artist's websites by google their site names, which is more often than not their circle names. So it'd be easier to tag the arts by that name rather than searching for their tags in Danbooru.

The downside is I'm never gonna remember artists' real names.


I was mainly adding it because for one, I tired to find him using his circle name and failed, and I'd imagine anyone coming from touhou wikia or another doujin site isn't going to know that his name is haniwa.

But I see your point.

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