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I uploaded an image in the Kekkaishi section (post number 180492) and it recently got removed. There was nothing wrong with the picture, it got up voted 3 times and favourited once but because it hadn't been approved by a moderator within 3 days it was removed.

Maybe i'll get flamed by someone for this but isn't that system somewhat broken? I can understand if the picture is getting bad ratings, but there wasn't actually anything wrong with it.. it was just a photoshopped cap that was pretty well edited.. and seeing as there are about 8 pictures for Kekkaishi, i'm a bit suprised it didn't get approved.. Anyone care to explain what's going on? :X

I mean, obviously it doesn't affect me as I already have said image on my PC... however, how am I supposed to upload content in an attempt to recieve an invite into the privledged section of the site if my posts don't stay on the site? lol.

Here is a direct link to the picture incase anyone wants to argue that it was inappropriate:

Updated by albert

I wouldn't approve it, but I'm not a moderator.

But I do think you have a point in that if an image gets a lot of +1/favorites (like, more than +2, since you can give that to any image by yourself), it shouldn't get nuked by that "3 days you're out" system IMHO.

I should make this explicit. The score or number of favorites a post has should have no bearing on what a moderator approves. If it did, it'd be easy to set up dummy accounts to vote up your own stuff and get automatically accepted.

albert said:
I should make this explicit. The score or number of favorites a post has should have no bearing on what a moderator approves. If it did, it'd be easy to set up dummy accounts to vote up your own stuff and get automatically accepted.

True, however, can someone tell me why it didn't get approved? I've seen much much worse images get approved in said system.. even images that are getting down voted. I don't quite understand why this one got turned away.. it was tagged correctly, the image is a decent resolution, it's not a vulgar or bad quality picture.. :|

wanchan said:
I wouldn't approve it, but that is just my personal taste.

Is that how the moderation system works though? I assumed you approve those images that meet certain qualifications.. not just ones that suit your tastes. If so, I see why it hadn't been approved as certain people don't know the series, or don't like shopped images etc.. I would completely disagree with doing it that way personally however as it seems less like moderation for the community on the whole and more like catering danbooru to the tastes of the few who are mods.

Maelstrom said: Is that how the moderation system works though? I assumed you approve those images that meet certain qualifications.. not just ones that suit your tastes.

It's impossible to rate an image completely "objectively". In general, photoshopped caps aren't really popular, though I've seen worse. There's some minor artifacting too, though again I've seen worse.

The point of the three day limit is that your image has to be unacceptable to *every single moderator* who sees it over that period. The three day limit was put in place to avoid precisely the situation where one mod not liking something results in a deletion. Instead it has to face (and fail) the test multiple times over days before it gets deleted for time.

Personally I don't remember that exact picture but if I came across it (as I probably did, I check almost everyday and sometimes multiple times in a day) I'd probably consider it borderline and leave it to see if another mod were enthusiastic about it. Apparently the answer was no. ::shrugs::

Moderation is an art not a science, and there will never be full agreement about it. I know I've approved things I later saw people complain sucked, and I've thought things sucked and then saw them get approved. The system as it exists now allows for such differences in opinion.

Well, no offence to the community here but if that's the way the moderation operates I don't think i'll bother uploading anymore content. If stuff like those stupid motivator images and parody images (see the Mister_Bean tag) get accepted within a day yet an actual hentai image from a rare series gets dropped within 3, mainly because it doesn't suit a moderators taste (not because there is anything "wrong" with the image) I feel that the system is broken.

You're wrong in one thing. Pics from privileged and above don't need to be approved.
And that pic can be a rare one, but is ugly too (no offence there)
Is up to you if you keep uploading things but... well, do what you want.

Maelstrom said: If stuff like those stupid motivator images

Which do NOT get accepted. Do not look back 6 months or more when whining "why is X accepted?", only look at recent images. No motivators are there unless one slipped in unwanted. We just don't go back and purge all old images of types no longer wanted. Too much work and just not necessary. But if they're uploaded now, no dice.

and parody images

An incredibly broad topic but I've deleted plenty of off topic images if thats what you mean.

I feel that the system is broken.

I explained it, if you're not satisfied there's nothing I can do. If you're going to get your panties in a bunch over one deletion of a borderline pic, you're probably going to have a hard time in this community anyway.

Panties in a bunch eh? Thanks for the productive response. My point was made and I stick by it however I suppose if you feel the urge to get the last word in as an attempt to elongate your e-penis who am I to judge? Maybe i'll upload some content in the future, hopefully by then the system will be a little less broken in my eyes.

It's really not difficult to upload good content but you do have to pay some attention and learn what gets accepted and what does not. If you're worried that some images you really like will be rejected or passed over, why not wait until you're actually privileged before uploading them?
In the beginning, I uploaded images I liked which I thought were good but they didn't pass. Was I sort of upset because that happened? Sure, but it didn't stop me from learning what people on here like and post appropriate images. The thing is I didn't whine and make a fuss about it.

Sunfox said:
It's really not difficult to upload good content but you do have to pay some attention and learn what gets accepted and what does not. If you're worried that some images you really like will be rejected or passed over, why not wait until you're actually privileged before uploading them?
In the beginning, I uploaded images I liked which I thought were good but they didn't pass. Was I sort of upset because that happened? Sure, but it didn't stop me from learning what people on here like and post appropriate images. The thing is I didn't whine and make a fuss about it.

I see where your coming from, but surely you must understand my frustation too? It's not about the fact the image got deleted anymore, it's the principle of the matter. The fact that it's more of a subjective moderation system than an objective one irritates me to some degree, partially because I now know some of my content won't make it onto the site because some of the mods won't like it and partially because I know the same thing will happen to other people, people who may have been uploading content many other users would enjoy.

I'm not "whining".. however I may very well be making a fuss, but still, I felt I had to voice my opinion on the subject just as you for some reason felt compelled to voice yours. With a community based website it can only get better through working together with the community and fine tuning all the systems keeping the site working, hence why I even bothered to make a thread in the first place :P


Maelstrom said: Panties in a bunch eh? Thanks for the productive response. My point was made and I stick by it however I suppose if you feel the urge to get the last word in as an attempt to elongate your e-penis who am I to judge?

Please grow up. My post explicitly addressed points your brought up, including at least one point where you were just factually wrong, and thus got corrected. Take a deep breath before coming back, if you come back at all.

And get beyond the "objective moderation" thing. There is no such thing. There can be no such thing. It's easy for you to ask for it because you don't have to actually do the modding. The system currently in place is the best thing available really. If your image can't pass muster with any of the dozen mods + 3 admins, it's *probably* you that has the problem. And since albert is looking for more mods, the number should be increasing which makes for even more opinions on an upload before it's consigned to deletion.

If your image had been summarily deleted just after being put up simply because one single mod didn't like it, yes, that's more subjective. But that also isn't what happened. Again, there are people with dozens of deletions that don't come in complaining about how the site is "broken", they just upload something else and get on with their lives. I suggest you follow their lead because as you're acting now, an invite looks pretty impossible.

Yes, your post did answer many of my posts, and I actually meant what I said when I mentioned it was a productive post, however it was sandwiched between insults. The statement "Please grow up" is extended back to you also jxh2154 as you didn't really have any reason to start insulting me with the "panties in a twist" remark. If you can't take it back don't hand it out. Also, as a side note, I had no idea how many moderators there were, for all I knew there could've only been the 2/3 that have appeared in this post, only just now are you informing me that there are quite a few. I don't care now that the image got removed, that wasn't the point I was trying to make, nor the reason why I complained in the first place..

The main, and only reason I said the system was somewhat "broken" is because the image was actually liked by users, with the for-mentioned up voting and favourite. I understand what albert says that people could easily make dupe accounts to get the image voted up, but why would anyone do that for an image that isn't illegal (per se) to post on the board? If it's something that's allowable content making dupe accounts to get it voted up just seems.. stupid. I didn't expect anything to come of this to be honest, I just wanted an explanation that satisfied me. I do believe that objective moderation is achievable however with pictures I understand it's harder to distinguish between objective and subjective. At the very least I wanted to make a point that perhaps some of the mods/users could dwell on in an attempt to make this place full of better content, instead of "some" of the crap that can get through here (yes, you pointed out the motivator images were before this moderation phase, but still, some images seem to slip through regardless).

Just as a side-note, the whole "I suggest you follow their lead.." etc comment is a bit threatening. I hope it wasn't intended that way. If it was, you can probably guess what sort of response you'd get from me. :P

Maelstrom said: Also, as a side note, I had no idea how many moderators there were, for all I knew there could've only been the 2/3 that have appeared in this post

And so you assumed, instead of asking. That was one problem right there. Look for a user list next time. I'd also say coming in and starting a thread and calling the moderation system broken because ONE not so great nude shopped cap didn't get approved is fair enough grounds for saying you were getting your panties in a twist. (i.e. getting worked up over nothing)

The main, and only reason I said the system was somewhat "broken" is because the image was actually liked by users, with the for-mentioned up voting and favourite.

There are people who would vote up, and have voted up guro, bestiality, motivators, horribly artificated images, crappy off topic /b/-like macro stuff and other disallowed images. Having a couple points to the image doesn't have any bearing on the acceptability of the image.

I didn't expect anything to come of this to be honest, I just wanted an explanation that satisfied me.

Then it's best not to come in saying it's broken from the get go when you're supposedly waiting for an explanation. Then after getting explanations from multiple people, repeating that it's broken. An explanation is what you got, but you weren't satisfied with it.

Just as a side-note, the whole "I suggest you follow their lead.." etc comment is a bit threatening.

Honestly, you can take it that way if you want to, but regardless of how you take it, it's true enough. You have your explanation (multiple times now) and can either do what the others do and upload something else, or if you you still consider the system too "broken", just go elsewhere. Up to you.
