
Nonprivileged users can now upload

Posted under General

One more thing: approved images have the timestamp/number of when they were uploaded by the original poster, rather than when they were approved and appear in the lineup.

For example, a yet-to-be-approved image will receive the number 100. Before being approved, a privileged user might uload 20 new images, ranging from 101 to 120 and those will appear right away. When image 100 finally gets approved, it will appear in the full lineup after the images 101..120 and therefore will never see the front page.

Depending on the timeframe of the approval process this could mean that certain images would receive less exposure then they deserve.

If you can upload directly from an artist's website and source the artist, character, and series, all the better. Those are the most important, at least for me personally.

(Not that I'll reject anything without an artist, it's not like I always upload from a source either, though I try my damndest to do so)

Undead "How about adding in an extra text box for the upload that you can list the artist's/source website."

As Kristallimeri said, the question mark next to the artist tag (not the artist tag itself) takes you to the wiki. Most entries will have an example image url, the top/home page url and maybe the name in Japanese.

When you upload an image, the link you got it from goes in the source field (as long as its not just another imageboard), which lets people trace it back too.

So artist source is covered.

albert: personally I use the recent uploads list a lot, usually visiting it at least once a day. It's an important feature as it's the easiest way to see pic you wouldn't otherwise stumble upon (and also to weed out dupes, fix tags, etc.) So moving potentially many pics (if mods lag) far down the list I'd rather avoid.

Though if it'd be very complex to implement and mess things up, then I guess it's still a minor flaw.

Albert, would it be a pain to give mods an option to accept or decline an image from the full view? I often don't like to make a decision just from a thumbnail. So if I open the images up in another tab, I can make the decision from that page rather than swicthing back and finding the thumbnail again.

I'm also seeing a LOT of dupes, relatively, in the non-invited user uploads (mostly in terms of slightly different sizes and such so they don't get caught), so I just want people to know that if your otherwise perfectly acceptable image is being declined, it's not because we're dicks, it's because it's probably a dupe.

Just so people don't get the wrong idea.

Also... tag your posts completely and I'm more likely to accept them.

Oh lastly... don't accidentally upload your image as a .txt file =P That will definitely not get accepted, heh.


To be honest, current experience shows that the reduced volume of uploads from the previous danbooru (since uploaders have to register) has made the "popping in" of images a non-issue, almost. Even if some images do appear inbetween others and miss the first page, they never really vanish into a mass of uploads and can usually be easily spotted on the first few pages.

Plus, most heavy danbooru users have probably developed good enough visual recognition skills to easily spot these few new images, too. So it's probably not worth the hassle.

I dunno, uploads seem to come in spurts. Mostly when the fanart tracking sites in Japan upload, or when I come home from work and check my rss/updatescanner feeds, or when I hit an artist I like and rape half (or all...) of their site.

So I guess it depends on when people upload.

I haven't really had the time for image hunting lately, so most of the stuff I've uploaded has been stuff hanging around on my PC already or from doujin scans.
Something about either lolifox/firefox/danbooru or a combination of these has been making my computer lock up recently which often curtails my visits as that is the point I usually give up and go to sleep.

I second jxh2154's request for accepting/declining form full view - I was thinking the same thing last night until my computer crashed again.