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Help: Account Levels and Features Revisited

Posted under General

Help, I tried looking at the documentation on Account Levels, but I need a clearer word on what the different account levels do.

To my understanding, there are currently 7 levels:

  • Member
  • Privileged
  • Test Janitor (I think this is essentially Janitors under probation)
  • Janitor
  • Contributor
  • Mod
  • Admin

1. What are the differences between:

  • Privileged and Contributor? (I think they are very different, but their names are often switched)
  • Janitor and Contributor?
  • Mod and Janitor?

2. What features are available at each level, especially with in relation to:

  • Bypassing Post Moderation (posts no longer moderated)
  • Deleting Posts, Pools, Artists
  • Deleting Tags and Wiki Entries
  • Mass Editing Tags
  • Changing Account Levels
  • Deleting Accounts

Extra, not so well known info on what these levels would be very welcome too.

Updated by dean exia

lady_garegga said:
To my understanding, there are currently 7 levels:

  • Member
  • Privileged
  • Test Janitor (I think this is essentially Janitors under probation)
  • Janitor
  • Contributor
  • Mod
  • Admin

In respect to the available features the order would be:

  • Member
  • Privileged
  • Contributor
  • Janitor / Test Janitor
  • Mod
  • Admin

lady_garegga said:
1. What are the differences between:

  • Privileged and Contributor? (I think they are very different, but their names are often switched)

Contributers bypass the mod queue for uploads, privileged don't.

lady_garegga said:

  • Bypassing Post Moderation (posts no longer moderated)

This applies to Contributers and above.

lady_garegga said:

  • Deleting Posts, Pools, Artists
  • Deleting Tags and Wiki Entries
  • Mass Editing Tags

AFAIK Janitors and above are responsible for this.

lady_garegga said:

  • Changing Account Levels

AFAIK Moderators and above can do this. I haven't seen yet a account, that was invited by a Janitor.

lady_garegga said:
Extra, not so well known info on what these levels would be very welcome too.

Privileged users and above:

  • don't see advertisements
  • can see all images
  • can vote on images
  • can use tag subscriptions
  • Can use the tag script feature

Thanks for your insight, AlexisB.

Another question, maybe a bit off-topic, but:

Is post approval determined by votes by mod queue masters (janitors and higher accounts)?

When a post gets approved, is it because:

  • it has received enough votes from mod queue masters? or
  • someone with mod queue authority approved it with a click of a button?

Approvals within the mod queue are determined by the quality of the post in question, not it's score and/or fave count. Since quality is subjective and many Janitors/Mods have different taste, the odds of a specific post being approved within a reasonable amount of time varies greatly.

Mass editing involves typing in a command and all the images it applies to will be edited. So if I did something like

barefoot -> barefoot feet

This would mean every image with the tag barefoot would also get the tag feet. I can also remove tags in this way.

Tag scripting is when you make a script (such as feet), and then you still have to go around browsing and clicking manually on each image to apply the script.

In regards to the differences between moderators: Janitors and up perform image approvals and deletions, but janitors are more focused in their powers with moderating images. They can approve images, delete images, ban and promote users (though I believe in practice janitors rarely do so, and are expected to propose a person for contributor status instead of promoting directly, if they can, never tried but looks like they could). Janitors can't do mass edits, can't delete wiki entries, and can't delete pools. At least as far as I remember. A test janitor is a transitional rank with the powers of a janitor, and they either succeed and become a full janitor or fall back down to contributer rank.

Moderators have access to more powers, and have powers over the forums as well as the abilities that Janitors have. So they can do things like mass editing and can lock forum threads.

Of course Admins have the most powers. In terms of what they do, jxh is the one you'll of course see the most and he is typically the one who handles things like editing aliases, implications, etc. Additionally they have access to IP bans, at least Albert does.


Oh, when did those changes happen? I banned a user for vandalism a little less than a month ago.

Well regardless, in short janitors are specialized moderators and focused mostly on the approval and unapproval of images. Everything above them has much broader powers in scope and moderate over more things.


Log said:
Janitors cannot ban anymore and could never promote (or maybe they could in phase 1 but they can't anymore.)

Why was that kind of power taken away from Janitors? Was they're some kind of mass abuse going on with it that make Jxh/Albert decide that Janitors could no longer ban users regardless of the reason(s) to do so?

NWF_Renim said:
Oh, when did those changes happen? I banned a user for vandalism a little less than a month ago.

About a week ago, actually. I brought up the issue of Test Janitors being able to delete posts, which got addressed in r2520, but Albert decided to make banning only available to Mod+ roles as well.

And that's a good decision, I think. Janitors are only supposed to approve content, not police the site.

Bapabooiee said:
About a week ago, actually. I brought up the issue of Test Janitors being able to delete posts, which got addressed in r2520, but Albert decided to make banning only available to Mod+ roles as well.

D'oh, I knew my actions would come back and bite me in the ass one day. Well this answers my question above.

Bapabooiee said:
And that's a good decision, I think. Janitors are only supposed to approve content, not police the site.

Isn't approving content sorta policing the site in a way? Surprisingly I always thought Janitors and Mod were on even footing when it came to powers, but I see that's not true.


Mr_GT said:
D'oh, I knew my actions would come back and bite me in the ass one day.

I'll maintain that, again, you didn't do anything wrong. The ability for janitors to ban or double-delete wasn't taken away because anyone was abusing those powers, but because Albert decided that mods and janitors should have more-defined roles (which you helped bring to light).

Isn't approving content sorta policing the site in a way?

Not really. Approving posts leans more towards just being a critic.


Well it makes sense in the end, the need for the ability to ban was due to a sudden surge in vandalism in which the janitors were more numerous and generally able to respond to the vandalism faster (important when they were vandalizing hundreds to thousands of images in just an hour). With the changes that were made in response to prevent that type of vandalism, there was no longer a need for the ability.

I went through the code and made a list of all the abilities of every user level. It should be fairly exhaustive.

  • Blocked (banned) users can:
    • view the site.
    • change their account settings.
    • add/remove favorites.
    • send up to 3 DMails per day.
  • Members can:
    • create, edit, and delete (i.e. mark as inactive) artist entries.
    • send dmails.
    • post comments. Members can only bump posts if their account is more than a week old, and then only at a rate of 2 per hour. These limits don't apply if they post without bumping.
    • delete their own comments.
    • vote on comments at a rate of 10 votes per hour. Janitor and up comments can't be downvoted. These limits apply to all user levels.
    • make forum posts.
    • edit or delete their own forum posts.
    • create/edit/delete/revert translation notes (unless the post has notes locked).
    • create pools.
    • edit their own pools, or others' pools if they are public. Names and descriptions can be changed, and the public and active flags can be toggled.
    • delete their own pools.
    • add/remove posts to their own pools or to public pools. Members can't remove posts within their first week of registering, even from their own pools.
    • reorder their own pools or public pools.
    • import posts into their own pools or public pools.
    • upload posts according to their upload limit. Members can't upload posts within their first week of registering.
    • edit posts (update tags/rating/source/parent). Rating can't be changed if the post is rating locked.
    • revert posts to previous versions in the tag history.
    • search up to two tags at once.
    • change tag types if the tag has less than 10 posts. Larger tags can only be edited by privileged and up users.
    • create, edit, and revert wiki entries (unless the entry is locked).
  • Privileged users can:
    • view loli/shota.
    • view status:deleted posts at full size.
    • browse without seeing ads or the various bits of help text and links to howto guides.
    • use the mode menu in the post index to use tag scripts, among other things.
    • search up to six tags at once.
    • vote on posts.
    • use tag subscriptions (up to 5 subscriptions of 20 tags each).
    • bump posts without restrictions.
    • see the list of users who have favorited a post.
    • revert pools to previous versions.
    • flag posts with a limit of 10 per day. Contributors and up don't have this limit.
    • lock/unlock post ratings and notes.
    • give out records, and delete records they've given.
  • Contributors can:
    • upload posts without needing mod approval and without upload limits.
  • Test Janitors can:
    • approve posts. A post cannot be approved by the same person twice.
  • Janitors can:
    • create and edit advertisements.
    • delete posts.
    • undelete posts.
    • revert a user's entire tag or note edit history.
    • promote users up to Contributor level if they have invites (does anyone actually have any invites? I don't think I have any). Only mods can invite people with negative records.
  • Mods can:
    • ban artists (currently just deletes all their posts).
    • ban users.
    • lock and sticky forum threads.
    • double delete posts (i.e. completely delete posts so that they don't appear under status:deleted and can't be undeleted).
    • perform mass tag edits.
    • edit or delete users' comments, private pools, and forum posts.
    • lock/unlock wiki entries.
    • rename wiki entries.
    • delete wiki entries.
  • Admins can:
    • reset passwords for users.
    • promote/demote users.
    • see IP addresses and IP ban users.
    • restart or kill job tasks.
    • create/delete tag aliases and implications.
    • edit users' upload limits.

2010-12-05 EDIT: Blocked users can no longer send dmails.
2011-03-17 EDIT: Blocked users can send 3 dmails per day. Privileged users can see deleted posts.


I think it might have been so that janitors could mark ads as NSFW so that they wouldn't show up on safebooru. But yeah, we don't really need that power now. It'd be really easy for someone to change the affiliate ID in the referral URLs and steal albert's ad revenue.

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