Alice Margatroid making dolls inspired by her friends and acquaintances, and herself, appears to be a well-established Touhou fanon meme.
The idea is occasionally taken to great lengths (see post #541280), but usually it is only one, two, or maybe a handful of different dolls. As far as I can tell, Alice most often makes Kirisame Marisa dolls, giving an introverted person's expression to her feelings of friendship or love.
- post #570617 -- This is how it looks like!
- post #637855 -- A more huggable design for ronery moments.
- post #250431 -- Sometimes paired with an Alice doll.
- post #677928 -- Yes, it does mean a lot to her.
- post #575071 -- "Total backfire... or just as planned?"
- post #678531 -- Does Patchouli want one, too?
- post #522541 -- More than you would ever imagine!
- post #559906 -- "Big sis! Get me a Marisa doll or I will break everything!"
I believe these illustrations deserve a kirisame_marisa_(doll) tag. Any objections, or ideas for combining existing tags to avoid introducing a new one?
Updated by jxh2154