
Tag Implication: contemporary -> alternate_costume

Posted under General

I was actually considering bringing that up in a thread since it's used both ways. Personally I thought it was for canoncal non-default outfits (like the k-on girls out of their uniforms or Beato in the schoolgirl-ish outfit) but clearly there's mixed opinions on how it's supposed to be used.

Either way, -1 to the implication, baccano! being a prime example.

Log said:
Either way, -1 to the implication, baccano! being a prime example.

With the current wiki entry of contemporary (which indicates it is a contrast tag), I don't think Baccano! art belongs in it at all.

Perhaps it should be generalized, though; I see some fate/stay night and rozen maiden art in there, and it's treading a pretty thin line to define those as 'fantastical settings' in which contemporary clothes are out of the ordinary.

Fred1515 said:
You could have a pic of a character dressed in his/her usual costume in a contemporary environment where alternate_costume wouldn't apply.

Just because there might not be any examples of this atm, doesn't mean there never will be.

Is there any reason not to change the wiki definition to how it's actually used rather than hold people to some ideal that they don't think twice about? Contemporary, as of this moment, denotes nothing but clothing from what I saw of it.

Log said:
...there's got to be a few series with default contemporary outfits.

The definition specifically calls out "characters who are usually from an archaic or fantastical setting", so all of the hundreds of series that default to a contemporary clothing style need not apply.

7HS said:
I see some fate/stay night and rozen maiden art in there, and it's treading a pretty thin line to define those as 'fantastical settings' in which contemporary clothes are out of the ordinary.

I think in this case it's not the setting so much as the characters. Those dolls sport some fairly dated finery, usually.

I think the wiki definition as it stands is fine and should stay as a contrast-to-canon tag. But as noted, while outfits are overwhelmingly the usage, an implication would be problematic for the other situations.