With many new people posting images and the community become a bit more public, I wanted to talk a little bit about what to do on Danbooru and what not to.
1. Do not post images that are bad.
2. If you have a million pictures to upload, chances are they are not all good, unless you are albert.
3. Tag things you post, at least somewhat. Other users will likely flesh out the tags if the image is worth seeing.
4. Things unrelated to the "doujin" culture are usually not acceptable posts. Furry images are explicitly not allowed. This is not to say that every picture has to be 'Katanas And Animes', but you probably shouldn't post your Captain Planet x Star Wars fanart.
1. Tags are a way for people to find things. Therefore, tags should be useful, and actually categorize the image, preferrably in categories of which there are images already.
2. Series, characters, and artists are some of the best tags, followed by physical traits and clothing like "red_eyes" or "glasses."
3. Tags should contain only pertinent information about the image. For example, post #82715 has the "hair" tag. Why? If you were searching for pictures that were 'about' hair, and you got that, I don't think you'd be satisfied. A better use of the tag would be something like post #39150 or even post #133291.
4. Subjective tags generally contain almost no information. The "cute" tag is useless, for example; the tag might as well be "Some_person_likes_this_picture," which is more like a rating and nobody is going to search for that.
5. Tags can't contain spaces; use an underscore. I recently saw an image posted by a new user with the "Music" tag and the "Notes" tag, when clearly they meant to add the "Music_notes" tag. Which, by the way, isn't an especially good tag because there are no other images with it, and "music" covers about the same area.
1. Post something that other people want to read. The majority of comments are useless and irritating. Don't tell us you like a picture, or that you think it's funny.
2. Useful comments, e.g. "This image is a duplicate this other post" or "I translated this" are good.
3. If you must post something useless, at least invoke discussion or make a joke or something.
I encourage other veteran users to add their advice to this thread.
Updated by wanchan