post #9000000 GET!

Mod's pic fell off the Moderation queue?

Posted under General

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I was browsing randomly and noticed a pic (post #146400) that was apparantly deleted for not being approved before expiring in the moderation queue. Strangely enough, though, it was posted by a moderator, and shouldn't have been in the queue in the first place. I doubt it's a bug, or we would notice it more often, but I'm curious as to what happened.

Updated by nilcaeks

Ok, I guess that makes sense. I didn't realize there was a time limit on the deletion list as well. So technically a privileged user can initiate a deletion then, it just takes 3 days and no mods or admins saving it.

Shinjidude said: Ok, I guess that makes sense. I didn't realize there was a time limit on the deletion list as well. So technically a privileged user can initiate a deletion then, it just takes 3 days and no mods or admins saving it.

I originally suggested the time limit only apply to unapproved uploads... I'm not sure flagged images getting deleted too is a good idea. I know I often forget to check the flagged list, mostly because 90% of the time it's just people flagging things without a good reason.

jxh2154 said:
I originally suggested the time limit only apply to unapproved uploads... I'm not sure flagged images getting deleted too is a good idea. I know I often forget to check the flagged list, mostly because 90% of the time it's just people flagging things without a good reason.

I would tend to agree with you, b/c requiring an admin or mod to save a flagged post would seem to give unprivileged members too much power, especially if there are as many fallacious flags as you say. After all, someone could just keep continuously nominating their least favorite posts, flood the queue and hope that some of them slip past the mods.

The problem with turning off the deletion is that the flagged list will do what the moderation list was doing when you first mentioned automatic deletion and grow without bound.

jxh2154 said:
I think it leaves what it does so 1) hash is regged and cant be reuploaded and 2) they have something to check that lets them know why it was deleted.

If you want to ban pictures from the site, they should be deleted with a reason.

Otherwise, if I'm understanding this right, good pics that simply got buried might be auto-deleted and blacklisted.

The moderation queue auto-delete is for things that no moderator found good enough to be approved but were not bad enough to be deleted. Being uploaded again would not change that status.

Log said:
The moderation queue auto-delete is for things that no moderator found good enough to be approved but were not bad enough to be deleted. Being uploaded again would not change that status.

Only privileged members are allowed to upload mediocre pics? Got it.

niefong said:
That'll win you an invite.

Oh yeah.
I meant to post something like "I suppose if it ever became a problem people could take it up with the mods after they became privilaged users and their opinions had more weight." Then I got angry for no apparent reason.

jxh2154 said:
Grow up.

Good idea.

Ooh, ooh! This is like one of those "finish the joke with a caption" contests in the New Yorker isn't it! I'll have a go too:

precia said:
Only privileged members are allowed to upload mediocre pics? Got it.

I think your submissions prove beyond a doubt that that is not the case.





Thread summary, I uploaded pictures to wrong 'booru then deleted/left them for auto-delete when flagged posts worked that way. It doesn't anymore.

This thread is over.