
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

RaisingK said: pool #1168 ("Hot Legs") - Private and subjective; I don't care if Boobzealot thinks post #609666 has "hot legs".

We have similar pools for other body parts. I've just made it public so it's not a favorites pool.

Shinjidude said: I sort of wonder sometimes why we are so keen to delete pools. I mean completely meaningless pools and those based solely on one person's subjective opinion aren't great, but just about anything and anything is used here as justification for deletion. Is the current set of pools so bad that we need to be super conservative with it?

The difficulty is in drawing the line. Life would be easier if we just didn't allow subjective pools at all, but we're beyond that point.

ddurst1969 is making a bunch of pools such as pool #1650 "nuded", pool #1651 ";sexy sexy sexy", pool #1649 "colors sockings or pantyhose", and pool #1648 "short skirt showing lot of legs". None of these pools have any description and they seem to be just some favorites of his with no real thought, for example a lot of the posts in "short skirt showing lot of legs" don't even have skirts in them, and the idea behind such a pool would be duplicated with a skirt legs tag search.

Is there a way to revoke someone's pool-making ability?


RaisingK said:
We have a pool for unlikely crossovers (pool #1339); "unlikely couples" isn't much worse.

...At least in theory, anyway. I don't agree with any of the current contents. Touhou being what it is, I wouldn't call any of the posts that unlikely. The sole non-Touhou post is more simply random than unlikely.

Maybe a Touhou-purging is all that pool needs. Between that and moving posts to the Unlikely Crossovers pool, though, I wonder if there would be anything left.

jjj14 said:
ddurst1969 is making a bunch of pools such as pool #1650 "nuded", pool #1651 ";sexy sexy sexy", pool #1649 "colors sockings or pantyhose", and pool #1648 "short skirt showing lot of legs". legs}} tag search.

We already have an Uncommonly-Colored Legwear pool, so there is no need for a half-assed clone.

The pools that ddurst1969 have created contribute nothing to danbooru and are made up of only his posts (all his pools are set to private).

RaisingK said:
Maybe a Touhou-purging is all that pool needs. Between that and moving posts to the Unlikely Crossovers pool, though, I wonder if there would be anything left.

Fine if you want to purge Touhou from the pool but the posts need to be moved to a new one then. The number of characters is just too high for you to try combinations, and everyone would have to do the same since search results can't be shared between users. That's also what pools are for imho.

pool #1668: "they weren't like that when I their age" - same guy as above. He seems obsessed with owning his own private pools. This pool doesn't seem to have specific guidelines besides just having female students and teachers in a school setting. The fact that he doesn't properly write out a title and description annoys me to no end too...

That seems reasonable. The mandatory lurking period should be really lurky.

I guess we could allow editing tags as the only thing available immediately, for very specific usability reasons -- namely, not annoying the hell out of people who register specifically to fix some tags. If we do that, we'll lose 90% of new, potentially valuable hires, and tagging would strike me as the most common activity. I'm sort of torn on whether wiki should be allowed or off-limits, though.

I still think the idea put forth a long time ago where people have to go through a little training & comprehension test before having features enabled might be a good idea. If we did that (and it was effective) the mandatory lurk time might even be able to be shortened.

As for the wiki, has that been something we've had problems with new members messing up?

I dunno, and that wasn't really the point. I was more concerned with creating a somewhat coherent model of what we'd like to achieve by the lurking period, and what exceptions we might want to allow. Up-front, for once, instead of patching a leaking system as we've always done.

I'm all for working out a well-defined system from the ground up, but I'm not sure if these forums are the best format for that sort of discussion. In any case it is way way off the target topic for this thread.

Also anything we say will have to be with the caveat that Albert is the one who would have to implement it and would have the final say / ultimate veto for whatever we come up with.

Shinjidude said: I still think the idea put forth a long time ago where people have to go through a little training & comprehension test before having features enabled might be a good idea

Maintenance would be my main concern here. Features and accepted practices change all the time.

And if the training is something that requires specific coding from albert, it's presumably not something you or I could update on the fly when a new policy is put in place on the forums (which usually doesn't involve albert). Kind of like how anyone can edit the wiki howto: guides but we can't do anything about the static help pages.

I just wouldn't want to put people through training that tells them to do the wrong thing.

But yes, back to pointless pools.

Plus it'd have the same off-putting effect for people who register only to fix something they've spotted. If we had a karma system in place, we could tie completing this training with some small karma bump. But I don't see any way to make it attractive currently, besides perhaps a "training completed?" field in the profile which'd make it easier for us to smite people who haven't bothered and jumped directly to causing damage.

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