
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

jxh2154 said:
So this pool is... what? Intended to be poorly_drawn by non-Japanese artists?

I'm surprised pool #135 is still alive. It's as pointless as ever, can we kill it now?

Shinjidude said:
But in a case like pool #1567 where the pool's topic isn't really something someone would think to search for, might it not be worth saving simply to point out that this is a pattern that exists?

I'd say that for the very well-known memetic value of ⑨, it's worth keeping.

I'd like to remind people that basic users (ie, most of them) are limited to two search terms, so while pool #1567 may provide its equivalent tag search in the description, a lot of users can't actually perform that search. They can, however, browse pools.

pool #1570 is harder to justify, though, what with having only three images. In fact, those three appear to be the entirety of the gasuri_govan images on Danbooru, so yeah, I'd say just kill it.

Edit after checking: however, all three images are recent uploads (around six hours old) by the same user, so it's possible that there are more on the way...


kounishin said:
I'd like to remind people that basic users (ie, most of them) are limited to two search terms, so while pool #1567 may provide its equivalent tag search in the description, a lot of users can't actually perform that search. They can, however, browse pools.

We have discussed that before, and the decision is that we don't keep around pools whose only value is "they get around the need to search for >2 tags". And albert has stated before he's not interested in making it less attractive to pay for the priv either.

Cyberia-Mix said:
pool #1527?
The deepthroat tag is just 8 pages large and if «(doesn't need the deepthroat tag to be in pool)» then I don't know what could be put in it.
It's just being redundant with the tag anyway.

I like how the logic behind is somehow to "motivate the artists" to draw the "sensual" stuff. I couldn't quite name the feeling of gagging on a cock being shoved down your throat, guess "sensual" would be the missing word.

Cyberia-Mix said:
So, either I'm blind or the natural breasts pool (guess that was the name) silently vanished lately.
Related to this thread?

I don't recall there being any objections to it in this thread, though I could be wrong.

I suspect the pool's owner might have made it private or deleted it.

evazion said:

I think these two are worth keeping in one way or another.

The ragequit pool somewhat lacks good content yet but the concept has potential. Would that be better as a tag?

As for the "ZE!!!" pool, you're not gonna tag every single instance of any character saying ぜ at the end of their sentences. That's something you want when it has some comical purpose, and the guess might be a bit too tricky for a tag.

RaisingK said:
pool #1168 ("Hot Legs") - Private and subjective; I don't care if Boobzealot thinks post #609666 has "hot legs".

Honestly I wonder if there shouldn't be exceptions for such pools when contents seem carefully chosen. Even if it's personal it's a place worth looking at at least as much as legs order:score.
And I seriously wonder if making it public wouldn't lower its overall quality. Same goes for the perfect feet pool.

Cyberia-Mix said:
Honestly I wonder if there shouldn't be exceptions for such pools when contents seem carefully chosen. Even if it's personal it's a place worth looking at at least as much as legs order:score.
And I seriously wonder if making it public wouldn't lower its overall quality. Same goes for the perfect feet pool.

A lot of posts in pool #1168 don't even have the legs tag (more don't than do), and almost all of them very likely should since they would obviously be a focus of an image someone thought had "hot legs". If the pool is going to be deleted, that tag needs to be added in before it's done. I'm thinking about going through it even if we decide to keep the pool, though.

I sort of wonder sometimes why we are so keen to delete pools. I mean completely meaningless pools and those based solely on one person's subjective opinion aren't great, but just about anything and anything is used here as justification for deletion. Is the current set of pools so bad that we need to be super conservative with it?

I am saying this with the knowledge that the current pool interface is poor, and as someone who doesn't use it often. But still, I don't know that pool clutter is a good justification for deleting things.

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