
Problems with loli

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Fencedude said:
Not going to happen. Ever.

Almost no one gets invited, and the people who do are generally either highly prolific translators or the kind of person who uploads THOUSANDS of images with no deletions.

Uploading shitty pokemon porn and whatever random crap you grabbed off your last journey to /h/ isn't going to do anything but annoy us.

Well we'll see about that. It seems you really don't like me because of my posts, but that will change, who knows, you might even be the one to invite me

this is getting to be a drag, I guess the problems with loli aren't that bad

Fencedude said:
Yeah. No.


hey what's this???!!

that's not fair what did I do?

the last times I uploaded furry, but what about this time? i'm getting punished for trying to inform you guys of potential problems in the site?!

c'mon man!

Spam, I have nothing against you personally, and I do not say this to attack you; however, I will say this and nothing more because I want to avoid this thread becoming...well, something really, really bad. Also, I suggest you stop posting here, or at least stop going back and forth with Fencedude.

First, when you signed up you should have read the ToS. Before uploading, you should have read the hot to: upload wiki. Doing either would have informed you on the prohibition of furry, which you should have known better to upload because those two pages exist. If you have not yet read them, go read them now.

I would not have approved a single one of your images because I find them, for a variety of reasons, aesthetically displeasing. This includes the ones you posted in this thread as being good. As a janitor that is my right. This would likely not change even if they were not loli, but I am less likely to approve of images containing features I particularly don't care for. Loli is one of these features. Further, my stance has nothing to do with their scores. Again, it is mostly to do with their being or having elements that I consider poorly drawn. Everyone else who can approve images operates mostly the same way, not in regards to loli specifically, but in regards to what they like/dislike and approve/don't approve.

This isn't a problem with the site. It is people chosen for having tastes aligned with what is wanted for the sight making decisions based on those tastes. It is how it is intended to work. If you think you can improve, don't say so here. Don't protest so here. Instead, improve. Look at art, good art. Look at what gets high ratings here and elsewhere. Keep in mind we're interested specifically in quality images, not porn. Contribute positively, and don't look back. That's the only way you'll change how things stand. Best of luck to you. I sincerely mean that. A user going from posting what I consider to be bad to posting what I consider to be good is something I want to see, and has my best wishes for their success.

Two final notes: Your upload limit reflect the current uploads you have remaining for the day. If your limit is 3 and you upload 2, your limit will be set to 1 until the next day. Also, no, there is no easier way. You will not be able to view any loli as a member. This very unlikely to change. If you're bothered by your inability to see your own uploads pay to become privileged and/or stop uploading loli at least for the time being.

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