
Problems with loli

Posted under General

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I've noticed that people vote down loli even if it's good

the following posts

post #651520
post #651519

both have a score of 4 now, but only 7 minutes after i uploaded them they had -2

if you notice the first one wasn't approved, I think if it had had a score of 6 instead of 4, then it maybe it would've been approved (oh well ill just appeal it)

I don't know what to do about that, I guess loli is against some people's morals. so I just think this should be taken into account for mods or whatever when approving posts

also, I know I can't see the pics because i'm a mere memeber. but it's a pain to find my own posts by going back to my tagging and finding them, is here an easier way?

Updated by Roarchu

spam said:
and why do i only have 5 instead of 10 in the beginning of my how many posts i can post equation? can u fix it? thannks

It appears an admin manually lowered your base upload limit because of your bad uploads.

There are at least three possible reasons for getting negative votes on Danbooru:

1) the picture is artistically poor, or decent but looks mass-produced;

2) the theme or the way it is portrayed does not appeal to somebody's tastes;

3) the theme is against somebody's moral values.

I would say case 2 is far more common than case 3. For example, futanari characters who sport huge deformed dicks dripping with thick, chunky cum will be downvoted as "aesthetically displeasing" rather than "morally appalling".*

Give this a thought. Then lurk some more.

*In 4chanese: "DO NOT WANT!" vs. "u gonna get v&". Or something.


Fencedude said:
Well, no. Because you upload terrible stuff.

The fact that 2/3 of your uploads have been deleted should send a message.

The message is STOP UPLOADING

well, actually when my base posting thing was lowered, I had 1 post left

I interpreted that as 1 more chance

I could increase the number of pics i upload by posting good stuff. I already know that I shouldn't upload furry like I did in the beginning

it's tough. But c'mon, I think I improved. Maybe you didn't like that last pic, but there are other weird pics like that here, this is a japanese stuff site, don't we have daranaika, etc?

I didn't say you were a spammer or a troll, I said you have terrible uploads. Which is reflected in the fact that 2/3 of them get deleted, and an administrator went out of their way to REDUCE your available uploads.

Fencedude said:
I didn't say you were a spammer or a troll, I said you have terrible uploads. Which is reflected in the fact that 2/3 of them get deleted, and an administrator went out of their way to REDUCE your available uploads.

2/3, why yes that's true

but take into account that at the begginning I didn't know anything and uploaded forbidden furry (which had no chance of being approved)

recently more of my posts are approved

Katajanmarja said:
I think we are so being trolled right now.

Not so bad pastime for a moment when I am this tired.

what make you think that? everything I posted in OP were legitimate problems

I resorted to just saving the link to the images I uploaded so I could know what pic it was, this needs to be fixed, it makes it difficult for mere member to appeal their loli and shota posts

Fencedude said:
The fact that you uploaded post #653774 isn't exactly demonstrating you understanding our standards.

And why are you even bothering to upload loli posts you can't even see?

Im uploading my best stuff so I can bring up my post count and make more posts. now, you probably think i'm dreaming, but I hope to be invited

spam said:
but I hope to be invited

Not going to happen. Ever.

Almost no one gets invited, and the people who do are generally either highly prolific translators or the kind of person who uploads THOUSANDS of images with no deletions.

Uploading shitty pokemon porn and whatever random crap you grabbed off your last journey to /h/ isn't going to do anything but annoy us.

post #653774

it's funny, japanese, on topic, weird

it makes you go "what", c'mon I explained before, in a way it's similar to yaranaika (in a way)

and honestly there are really bad quality posts that get approved anyway, and I don't mean that rapidash with a carrot, i mean this post #630533

bad quality in my opinion, but oh well, im not a mod or anything

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