Is there a tag for sleeping or resting like this? I did some searching but could not find anything applicable.
Updated by Soljashy
Posted under General
Is there a tag for sleeping or resting like this? I did some searching but could not find anything applicable.
Updated by Soljashy
Possibly related, what is the tag for when one character is in another's lap like in post #631341? The only other lap tag I could find was lap_sitting which the wiki describes as a sexual thing.
It doesn't have a definition, just a See Also entry.
lap sitting is an innocent-sounding name for such a position, so I'd suggest the creation of a new tag for the sexual version.
So we stop using lap_sitting for non-sexual posts?
How about the previous posts tagged that way?
My impression was that we're not replacing lap_sitting with in_lap, it's just a wider term than the former.