post #9000000 GET!

Tag Vandalism

Posted under General

About rrciciBULITANYA.
I banned him, but after seeing his others tags edits I had my doubts, so I lifted the ban.
It's a good idea to look his edits from now on in case he decides to start fucking with the posts again.


It also seems cowardlydogcourage is also going-around flagging posts approved by Log as "what the fuck I didn't approve this".

I would like to propose a longer ban.

EDIT: Looks like I was mistaken. See below.


Hmm, I figured that it was just cowardlydogcourage/BULITANYA trying to get "back" at you for the recent negative record you gave him. And since you seem to compose yourself fairly well on the forums, I thought it was unlikely you'd say something like "what the fuck I didn't approve this".

Also, if you don't mind me asking -- and I'm just curious -- how did those posts get approved against your consent?

No idea, I hadn't even seen half of them so I imagine I accidentally pushed approve all instead of hide all or something. Possibly that the kitten was walking on the keyboard since I had the queue open when I went to bed.

The flag message was just because it was first thing after I woke up and one of them was something I wouldn't approve ever and I was like "what the fuck."

Yeah; I've always felt uneasy about "Approve all" being right next to the "Hide all" link. Whenever I want to hide all the posts in the queue, I always triple-check to make sure I didn't accidentally hit "Approve all" (does anyone actually use it, and do we really need it?)

... but, that's just getting off-topic now. Guess that solves that.

I use approve all button against queries in the queue but never alone. If there was some way to enable it when running a query and disable it otherwise that would rock but I don't think this is feasible.

Albert may want to run a check and see how much overlap there is between all these account and block him if it's most or all of them as it's clear he doesn't give a shit.

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