danbooru blocked now in my country
but i use proxy
the praplem is that i can use these way to download tags anymore
403 forbidden
Posted under General
Soljashy said:
Given how badly maintained tags are on Pixiv, I'd say a script like that would hardly be worth killing for.
Well, if there was a script to download all the pictures by a particular artist, that might actually be useful. Hell, there may already be things like this out there, I don't know.
here is a little GUI: http://filebeam.com/4486bcc5d1579d0a5f45b28156ddf498
Here's a script I wrote: http://snipt.org/Hgmm
Notes included in the snippet.
Otaxxu said:
Change the [sample_url] to [file_url] if you want the original image (full size)...
var images = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"sample_url":".*\.jpg",/g);
Better change the regex to /"sample_url":"[^"]+/ then. 'Cause not all fullsize images are JPGs, and the old one matched too much even for images that are.