
Tag for a removed hat?

Posted under General

In a quick search, I found two terms for removing your hat:

Doff, as DschingisKhan mentioned. That's only for removing your hat as a sign of respect, however (and as he mentioned can also be for removing any article of clothing).

脱帽, or datsubou. Appears to be a Japanese term for removing one's hat. I doubt many people would use the tag if we used that term ourselves, however. Not without aliases, at least.

Algasir said:
That's only for removing your hat as a sign of respect...

Woah, really? I wasn't aware of that denotation existing anywhere. It's certainly not part of the etymology, and WordNet has no indication of this. I'm too cheap to ever consider paying OED for access; do they have it there?

I don't know about doff in general, but doffing your hat (usually lifting the front lip up a bit, or lifting the entire hat a couple of inches above your head by the side of the brim in case of hard hats) is a gesture of saying hello, acknownledge someone, or excuse yourself in a situation requiring it.

If you're going to use it for a tag, it should be for this specific action, not for images that simply have an unworn hat in it/hat in hand.