
Life functions

Posted under General

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Lets learn how to read more. Thank you Albert for letting me know about the 24hour subjective. Although the problem has been its been more then 24 hours and I am still showing "can upload 0) Mod: nil! where in your right mind are you seeing my text being deplayed "give me a premiunum account" DONT WANT one. Just wanted a simple response. Passive agressive... hmm telling new members to shut up. Ill shut up, and leave. Not new at this whole spill. Danbooru used to be kick ass now its so sensitive, so Ironic.

R.I.P ip

Updated by KeliraTelian

Adrianleezero, if you want to be taken more seriously, you should learn to express yourself more intelligently.

Albert, telling new members that they shouldn't bother uploading any content because it's more than likely shit kind of defeats the purpose of this site, doesn't it?

Ralen said:
Adrianleezero, if you want to be taken more seriously, you should learn to express yourself more intelligently.

Albert, telling new members that they shouldn't bother uploading any content because it's more than likely shit kind of defeats the purpose of this site, doesn't it?

I think albert has the right to do whatever he damn well wants to.