Aliasing bandaid_on_nipples -> pasties.
Reason: Proper tag. I don't know why someone thought pasties wasn't enough and needed it to splinter off into bandaid_on_nipples.
Updated by jxh2154
Posted under General
Aliasing bandaid_on_nipples -> pasties.
Reason: Proper tag. I don't know why someone thought pasties wasn't enough and needed it to splinter off into bandaid_on_nipples.
Updated by jxh2154
If we go by the similar ruling on forum #17092 then we'd go with implications. I'm with Bapabooiee and I think they're different enough to be separate. Pasties more frequently cover the entire nipple, while it's much more common due to the bandaid's shape to have the areola revealed.
It's unnecessarily granular for no real benefit, similar to the tits_on_a_plate and areola_piercing discussions we've had a while ago. A bandaid pasties search works fine, and -- assuming everything is moved over correctly -- wouldn't yield any outliers that would warrant a new tag.
NWF_Renim said:
forum #17092
Oddly enough, the implications didn't happen from what I've searched in the implication list; I assume jxh2154 thought albert would do them and vice-versa. Regardless, I tentatively support the bandaid_on_pussy tag over bandaid_on_nipples, if only because of LaC's argument that a maebari is a specific object.
Hillside_Moose said:
A bandaid pasties search works fine, and -- assuming everything is moved over correctly -- wouldn't yield any outliers that would warrant a new tag.
It might, eventually. Sometimes you might have an image with both bandaids that aren't on nipples and non-bandaid pasties.
But more importantly, I think it's worth having a tag for any extremely common visual motif. Bandaids on nipples seem like a common enough thing to call out with their own tag; I could see an implication, but I don't see the advantage to erasing the distinction between them and general pasties entirely.
NWF_Renim said:
I fail to see how you're calling a maebari a specific object, and not pasties. They're very much similar things just intended for covering different parts of the body.
From forum #17092:
LaC said:
I don't think bandaid and maebari should overlap. AFAICT, a maebari is a specific object (which is not a bandaid), not "anything glued down there". Would you call a fig leaf a maebari?
I believe he wanted the maebari tag to only contain the rectangular strips of cloth, such as post #602950 or post #547053, what it's traditionally been seen as. I can understand where LaC is coming from, but in practice it becomes rather muddled when there are heart, star, and even leaf maebari.
In contrast, pasties don't have this kind of history, and can refer to just about anything stuck on the nipples.
Xabid said:
No it wouldn't. Sometimes you might have an image with both bandaids that aren't on nipples and non-bandaid pasties.
Except a bandaid pasties search or even a bandaid pasties -bandaid_on_nipples search brings up zero outliers like the ones you've described. I've been on Danbooru long enough to never use the "combination search" argument unless it were actually true.
But more importantly, I think it's worth having a tag for any extremely common visual motif. Bandaids on nipples seem like a common enough thing to call out with their own tag; I could see an implication, but I don't see the advantage to erasing the distinction between them and general pasties entirely.
And I say it's redundancy that only benefits the bandaid fetishists.
You can't argue that because pasties have a variety of shapes we can throw in bandaids too, because even if pasties can vary in shape they both have clearly different functionality built into their design. All bandaids will include an absorbent pad that is visually different from anything that would be used in a pasty, because pasties do not need to have such a thing designed into them so they will always lack them. Pasties are designed as a form of censorship to conceal the nipple and areola, as such (with rare exception here) they will always cover the areola around the nipple. Bandaids of course not designed with this intention will very commonly not cover the entire areola and reveal it. They are two different things, and I don't think we should go about lumping them together when they aren't the same.
edit: If the maebari is to really only be used for the strips, should we perhaps have a different tag for something like post #480135? It doesn't really in my mind conform to what I'd imagine a maebari, and is really more similar to a pasty (going by wikipedia it does say they're also used for concealing the vulva as well). Something like "vaginal pasties" or something?
I originally had a different response typed up, but seeing that the heart_pasties tag was borne out of the "Pointless Pools" thread, I suppose bandaid_on_nipples is the same concept: specificity.
Also, the bandaid_on_pussy implications from forum #17092 are still unresolved:
Aliasing bandaid_on_nipples -> bandaids_on_nipples
Implicating bandaids_on_nipples -> bandaid
Implicating bandaid_on_pussy -> bandaid
Did the above.
Implicating bandaid_on_pussy -> maebari
Implicating bandaids_on_nipples -> pasties
I guess these are the two I'm unsure of. So do we or don't we want to classify bandaids as a subset of the other two? I'm okay with it but unclear on what others think.
I won't deny that I don't really like even implications, but I'll concede and not continue arguing on the matter.
On a related matter, should there be something similar with the ofuda tag? There are actually a good number of maebari images, where the maebari is also a ofuda. There are also images of ofuda being used as pasties as well. Example for both: post #465915.
edit: I think we'll need to go ahead and make sure the definitions for maebari and pasties states that the tags are for any adhesive sticker, strip, or other improvised adhesive object that covers the nipples (pasties) or vaginal slit and/or anus (maebari). Since I think the current definition of maebari and pasties will leave an impression that it is more of a specific type of item, when we're not using it as such, and instead using it as a classification of the items use in the image.
There are some other issues the implications would resolve, such as post #58220 which would be a bandaid maebari image, but doesn't qualify for the bandaid_on_pussy tag. Also images like post #368261 which, which really doesn't look like a maebari outside of just covering the vaginal slit.
I see that the bandaids_on_nipples stuff went through, but bandaid_on_pussy is still missing the maebari implication.
Hillside_Moose said: I see that the bandaids_on_nipples stuff went through, but bandaid_on_pussy is still missing the maebari implication.
Oh, I didn't do either maebari/pasties implication yet actually. At least, I didn't approve the implication, I just submitted it. I was still looking for more comments on the matter. It does require definition changing (bandaid_on_pussy explicitly says to NOT use maebari right now) too so I didn't want to push it through yet.