
Change log for Danbooru 1.18

Posted under General

sgcdonmai said:

I still would like a "hide comment" button, for those comments that are rather long. Some of the long ones are worthy comments, (...).

I know a vBulletin discussion board where they have so-called spoiler tags. This means that the reader can choose to view the hidden content by clicking a button.

In theory, Danbooru could have a script automatically hiding comments longer than n characters behind a "Show long comment" (or whatever) button. I guess.

I thing that you need to change the order in the Recent Approvals page to the one most recently approved instead of the one most recently posted.
What I mean is, if I approve something that was posted 2 days ago, I can't see it in the first page.

Just my 2 cents. I love all the other changes.

I kinda liked having the tag Wikis automatically displayed on the left column. But now, if a tag has a Wiki tied to it, we have to click the "Wiki" link, which makes browsing a little bit less fluent than it used to be (I hate having to click links when I don't have to).

It's not really a major concern, but that's how I feel about it. And other than that, most of the other changes are very welcome - the site feels "cleaner" now.

I've just accidentaly noticed, that I can delete all my comments anytime I want, without leaving any trace in my comments history. Is this WAD? If yes, then I think it can lead to some problems - for example the punished by someone's neg for comment abuse user can delete them (leaving no evidence) and appeal about this later.

On the other hand, since there is no way to edit comments, I regularly use the delete function to fix typos I notice just after posting.

I'm not sure that that sort of usage is something that we need to be collecting. Your point is valid though, maybe self-deleted comments beyond a certain age should be recorded?

Shinjidude said:
I'm not sure that that sort of usage is something that we need to be collecting. Your point is valid though, maybe self-deleted comments beyond a certain age should be recorded?

This, or simply define period of time when user can still edit/fix/cancel his comment after its posting. And after that the comment will be no longer deletable.

- Wiki capitalization bug fixed
- You can now rename artists. If the artist you're renaming to already exists, your changes are applied to the existing artist. The other artist is marked as inactive. The Check button next to the name field just checks to see if an artist with the name already exists.

Clicking an "other name" link now sends you to a "create new artist" page unless an actual page for that "other name" already exists. Before, you were either directed to the artist page with that "other name" or sent to an empty search page.

I appreciate the response to the trac, but I'd rather not encourage more dummy entries...

New trac:


- Wiki page now shows tags that are aliased to that tag.
- New interface for janitors for reverting tag/rating/note changes from a user. Used to combat vandalism. Accessible from a user's profile page.
- Some bugs with Find Artist were fixed.

I really don't like the new "Advanced"/"Simple" views for user pages. All that information is really useful to have at a glance; it's annoying having to click a link every time.

Can you get rid of this? Or change it so that "Advanced" is the default mode, and "/show_simple/" is the extra URL? Or make it an account setting instead of a separate URL?

Also, "List" and "Send message" are missing from the Advanced view.


RaisingK said: I really don't like the new "Advanced"/"Simple" views for user pages. All that information is really useful to have at a glance; it's annoying having to click a link every time.

I prefer seeing it all at a glance too. Unless doing it this way reduced server load or something?

Also, "List" and "Send message" are missing from the Advanced view.

Yeah, they need to be there.

albert said: - Wiki page now shows tags that are aliased to that tag.


Janitors can now ban people?
I don't mind that at all (in fact, I like it a lot), but are you sure about that change?
I like the simple view too, but maybe the advance view should be the default one.

The wiki changes look good, but wiki pages of aliased tags, e.g. /lh, are broken.

RaisingK said:
Can you get rid of this? Or change it so that "Advanced" is the default mode, and "/show_simple/" is the extra URL? Or make it an account setting instead of a separate URL?

I think it was done to combat the timeouts people were getting when loading user pages, as all the statistics were getting pretty heavy on the database.
Though 99% of the times I open an user page, it's to check a history of some sort anyway, so this doesn't help much.

If I had to guess I'd say the reason for the new simple view on user pages is to cut down on the amount of Failbooru error messages that were occurring when viewing them.

EDIT: zatchii beat me to it by 6 minutes.

That said I don't really like it at all and think it should at least be made an account option, as others have already mentioned.

I agree with some of the reactions here. I like the advanced view better because it gives my stats at a glance. The simple view doesn't. That said, either remove the simple view or at the very least make the advanced view the default option instead.


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