post #9000000 GET!

Nuking old deprecated tags

Posted under Tags

Ylimegirl said:

What I've been doing for tied hair is doing two-tag searches for hairstyles, check that there's only that sort of tied hair in the image/correct tags as needed, and then remove the tag.
tied_hair ponytail -status:banned
tied_hair twintails -status:banned
tied_hair hair_bun -status:banned
etc. If I'm not 95%+ sure, I skip the post. This helps clear out the tags that aren't actually ambiguous to begin with, leaving just the really fun and confusing ones for hairstyle experts. Incremental progress is still progress.

Should(n't) we use status:all instead?

i said i would try and help and then i did absolutely nothing except one batch of white legwear once :CatCry:

That being said, great job to the folks who were actually dedicated in getting these cleared and to Dan for providing updates on the progress. Also, thanks to evazion for actually giving an extension after seeing that they were being worked on instead of providing a hard deadline for their nuke. We were able to preserve some information and not have to trouble ourselves with back-tagging them.

I don't see much coming out of especially tied hair. Someone could probably just marshall these all into a favgroup to work on later (read: never) so that when they get nuked due to lack of progress, they're preserved in some form. Now we can just refocus back on general gardening or clearing out some of the other deprecated tags since I'd imagine there'll be another batch of pending nukes incoming eventually.

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