The bulk update request #38294 (forum #340415) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
Posted under General
The bulk update request #38294 (forum #340415) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
The bulk update request #38296 (forum #340421) has been approved by @nth_color.
BUR #38297 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias kei_hinagi -> hinagi_kei
create alias hinagi_k -> hinagi_kei
Duplicate artists and name ordering.
The bulk update request #38297 (forum #340423) has been approved by @WRS.
BUR #38298 is pending approval.
create alias yuki_nko64 -> yukinko_roshi
Twitter handle -> actual name.
BUR #38299 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias deer_in_the_bathtub -> kurokku_(ohuro_ni_deer)
Pixiv stacc -> actual name.
Is 七夜しおり and sorimachi-doufu same artist? I've created nakaya shiori (artist) because of this
BUR #38306 has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
create alias eida@renshuuchuu -> poma
popdupe, moving to current moniker (eida seems to have been retired + the tagname is based on their old displayname えぃだ@練習中 saying "currently practicing". not their name lol)
The bulk update request #38306 (forum #340498) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
BUR #38307 has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
create alias yuiga_satoru -> yuiga_satol
preferred romanization
The bulk update request #38307 (forum #340500) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
BUR #38308 has been approved by @tapnek.
create alias zf -> onpen_(powerzef)
Romanization of current screen name with twitter name as qualifier.
The bulk update request #38308 (forum #340504) has been approved by @tapnek.
The bulk update request #38309 (forum #340509) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.
The bulk update request #38312 (forum #340516) has been approved by @Ylimegirl.