
Cataloguing Limbus/Project moon E.G.O and Identities

Posted under Tags

sinfulporcupine said:

BUR #38150 is pending approval.

create implication ishmael_(the_pequod)_(project_moon) -> ishmael_(project_moon)
create implication ishmael_(district_21_resident)_(project_moon) -> ishmael_(project_moon)
create implication ishmael_(identity_archive)_(project_moon) -> ishmael_(project_moon)

these are not e.g.o or identities, but rather different outfits she wears as a part of the story
the first two names stem from "role" tags paired with ishmael during those story segments, as can be seen here:
the last one is named after the identity archive, a mechanic that allows the player to listen to an identity's voicelines and read its story. the main menu of that mechanic features portraits of all 12 playable sinners, and most of them wear unique costumes there

Since they're all sub-100 tags, would it be a terrible idea to merge them into an ishmael_(past) tag?

Login_to_view said:

Kneecapping my argument from a couple days ago

Given how many identity artworks are out there, would it make sense to make an LCB outfit tag?
I think it would be especially useful for what-ifs (like post #8642256)

late message, but +1 to this. it's been on my mind for a while, it's great for OCs, parodies, and the example above

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