Two issues here, really.
1) The posts in pool #1301 were uploaded completely out of order, so I spent some time reorganizing them according to the date they were uploaded on pixiv. Now I see some (doubtlessly well-intentioned) idiot has hit the Auto-Order button, restoring them to their original disarray. Is there any way to revert this, given that pool ordering changes don't seem to show up in the pool's history?
2) The pool ordering system in general has always struck me as terribly unwieldy. The issue mentioned above aside, scrolling back and forth through a single column of thumbnails is quite annoying, as is being forced to change the order numbers for nearly every post whenever you need to insert an image into the middle of a pool. I'd really like something closer to the current "Delete Mode" interface for ordering, where all the thumbnails are listed in a grid and clicking a thumbnail moved it to the end of the pool. Failing that, replacing the ordering numbers with up and down arrows and allowing the page to update in real time would work as well. Or, really, just about anything other than what we have now. Is this just me?
Updated by 0xCCBA696