
Tag posts that use Adobe Firefly as ai-assisted

Posted under General

Apparently more and more people started using AI features in Photoshop, and Photoshop does save that information in the file metadata by default. See for yourself:
Metadata search for "Generated image" in CBOR, only present in Firefly-edited images

This does not mean that the images were completely generated - it only means that at least once Firefly was used to edit the image, maybe remove an object, generative fill, or something else. So I think it's fair to say that all images with such metadata should be at least tagged ai-assisted, since it's the software directly telling us that this is the case.

Danbooru might want to expand the exif_tool.rb code to check for CBOR:"Generated image" or more Firefly-specific metadata.


What hdk5 said. Imagine if we started auto-tagging very broadly based on metadata, there's too many room for false positives. Basically, so what if they use Firefly to remove an object, Photoshop has had a content-aware fill that is decently good (at times) for many, many, many years. Such kinds of "assisted" shouldn't be classed as assisted, it's not a useful way to go about things.