post #9000000 GET!

For science fiction works with elements from East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) culture

Posted under Tags

aimuahanhk said:

Guess we have to tag manually then.

I mean it could be simplified a bit with things that have tags like Steampunk, East Asian Architecture.
Or Steampunk, Japanese Clothes.

They don’t work perfectly but it could help in creating a start for it.

Shiraori_D said:

I mean it could be simplified a bit with things that have tags like Steampunk, East Asian Architecture.
Or Steampunk, Japanese Clothes.

They don’t work perfectly but it could help in creating a start for it.

Because silkpunk isn't really a subgenre of steampunk. One features Western culture while one is Eastern.

hasu_no_kougeki said:

Then add them to the tag. Stop telling people to do your work for you.

I'm already doing that. Though doing so singlehandedly is quite overwhelming, so do you mind lending me a hand?
By the way, I mentioned the game because it's one of the most notable works featuring the silkpunk aesthetic, with tons of posts here on Danbooru, perfect for populating the tag. Let me know if there is any other media franchise featuring it.


aimuahanhk said:

I'm already doing that. Though doing so singlehandedly is quite overwhelming, so do you mind lending me a hand?
By the way, I mentioned the game because it's one of the most notable works featuring the silkpunk aesthetic, with tons of posts here on Danbooru, perfect for populating the tag. Let me know if there is any other media franchise featuring it.

You only added it to 16 posts so far. That’s not a lot, even without access to tag scripts.

Users will help if they feel like it and if they think they understand the tag well enough. Saying that you think it’s too big a job to do by yourself is okay (though I think you can put in a bit more effort), but you shouldn’t ask specific users to help. You especially shouldn’t tell evazion to help you tag since he, as the site owner, most certainly has better things to do than to personally help populate tags.

aimuahanhk said:

As the tag is still rather specific and I don't really have time to lurk here and there.

The tag is "still rather specific" and yet you thought those broad BURs were sufficient to populate it...?

Look, just hit one of those two-tag searches in forum #331426, hit "random", and add the tag if it's appropriate. Boom. Done. Do that like 10 times and you'll probably have started to decently populate the tag. Part of the reason other people aren't populating it is because the term is still confusing to most everyone else (most of the replies in this topic made the waters even more muddy ngl). Once there's a good sample size to work off of, it's more likely others will be able to figure out the exact vibe you're going for.

Ylimegirl said:
Look, just hit one of those two-tag searches in forum #331426, hit "random", and add the tag if it's appropriate. Boom. Done. Do that like 10 times and you'll probably have started to decently populate the tag. Part of the reason other people aren't populating it is because the term is still confusing to most everyone else (most of the replies in this topic made the waters even more muddy ngl). Once there's a good sample size to work off of, it's more likely others will be able to figure out the exact vibe you're going for.

Thanks, it comes in handy.

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