This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 45 days.
Posted under Tags
The bulk update request #33697 (forum #319099) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
BUR #35164 has been approved by @evazion.
rename ochinchin_land -> ochinchin_land_(meme)
According to a note on post #470019, Ochinchin Land is "a Futaba term for when the mods are out and the tards start flooding every board with pictures of dicks". Since it's a fanterm rather than a place, it should probably be considered a meme (I can't manually rename it because there's one Gold-only pic).
The bulk update request #34192 (forum #321104) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #35001 (forum #328249) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #35122 (forum #328655) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #34039 (forum #320442) has been approved by @evazion.
BUR #35852 is pending approval.
create alias suspicious_egg_dish -> suspicious_egg_dish_(meme)
Surprised this hasn't been got yet. Its wiki even links to meme.
Aqros161 said:
BUR #35852 is pending approval.
create alias suspicious_egg_dish -> suspicious_egg_dish_(meme)
Surprised this hasn't been got yet. Its wiki even links to meme.
hasu_no_kougeki said:
sounds like @Evil4Zerggin just forgot or didn't bother making the appropriate post here
Aqros161 said:
sounds like @Evil4Zerggin just forgot or didn't bother making the appropriate post here
Yeah no, to quote NNT in forum #280854:
nonamethanks said:
This tag is not just for the template in the wiki. post #7245343 or post #6377478 are also tagged with this but would not qualify for the meme tag.
The bulk update request #35164 (forum #328826) has been approved by @evazion.
Aqros161 said:
BUR #35852 is pending approval.
create alias suspicious_egg_dish -> suspicious_egg_dish_(meme)
Surprised this hasn't been got yet. Its wiki even links to meme.
We need a tag for eggs-as-food (or more generally, bodily-products-as-food, which could include things like breast milk) so that suspicious egg dish can be reserved for the meme template.
The bulk update request #34682 (forum #323169) has been approved by @evazion.
Hillside_Moose said:
egg_(food) already exists, though.
I mean like eating eggs from an egg laying person.
BUR #36708 has been approved by @evazion.
category vip_sensei -> general
rename vip_sensei -> vip_sensei_(meme)
It's a meme based on a scene from Metropolis depicing the Maschinenmensch in her human disguise dancing, so if it is depicting her it should use her character tag, and if it is just referencing the scene, just that tag; to make the distinction clearer, the miscategorized meme tag is being given its fair do's.
The bulk update request #36708 (forum #335338) has been approved by @evazion.
Somehow_Kringe_Returned said:
BUR #36957 is pending approval.
rename bright_slap -> bright_slap_(meme)
It is a meme.
I's more of a common trope rather than a meme. I can't find anything that really calls it a meme, either.