BUR #36257 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:20935 -> manjuu_abuse_(azur_lane)
nuke pool:20935
A pool for manjuu abuse. Should probably be a tag instead. Qualifier added because manjuu by itself is ambiguous.
Posted under Tags
BUR #36257 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:20935 -> manjuu_abuse_(azur_lane)
nuke pool:20935
A pool for manjuu abuse. Should probably be a tag instead. Qualifier added because manjuu by itself is ambiguous.
AngryZapdos said:
Why would that be a requirement for a tag's existence?
Aura bullying (meme) get its own tag because it is a meme, this one seems to be just an in-universe joke.
BingusX said:
Aura bullying (meme) get its own tag because it is a meme, this one seems to be just an in-universe joke.
That doesn't answer the question, it makes no sense to require a concept to have a Pixiv tag before we make a tag for it. We aren't Pixiv.
That doesn't answer the question, it makes no sense to require a concept to have a Pixiv tag before we make a tag for it. We aren't Pixiv.
Fair enough, then I guess any in-universe joke should get its own tags then if there are enough posts of it. I can't stop you all anyways.
What a Kringey thing to say.
hasu_no_kougeki said:
BUR #36257 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update pool:20935 -> manjuu_abuse_(azur_lane)
nuke pool:20935A pool for manjuu abuse. Should probably be a tag instead. Qualifier added because manjuu by itself is ambiguous.
Is there a reason this is getting a _(azur_lane) qualifier and not a _(meme) qualifier?
zetsubousensei said:
What a Kringey thing to say.
Is there a reason this is getting a _(azur_lane) qualifier and not a _(meme) qualifier?
I don't know if there's an established precedent, but if it's a specifically AL thing like here I personally think it's probably better to qualify it with the copytag, simply because it's more specific while achieving the same thing.
I don't know if there's an established precedent, but if it's a specifically AL thing like here I personally think it's probably better to qualify it with the copytag, simply because it's more specific while achieving the same thing.
This, and none of the posts in the pool currently are tagged meme anyway. The pool also encompasses official art, since it's just an established thing that happens.
There's, at the very least, post #5131725 when searching manjuu_(azur_lane) -azur_lane. manjuu_(azur_lane) -azur_promilia copytags:>2 has 191 results that might be worth looking into unless the tag strictly clarifies that it should only be used with Azur Lane posts and not crossovers. cameos or anything of the sort.
WRS said:
There's, at the very least, post #5131725 when searching manjuu_(azur_lane) -azur_lane. manjuu_(azur_lane) -azur_promilia copytags:>2 has 191 results that might be worth looking into unless the tag strictly clarifies that it should only be used with Azur Lane posts and not crossovers. cameos or anything of the sort.
blindVigil said:
That should be tagged azur lane. I don't know if those outfits originated from the AL collab or not, but even if it wasn't obvious that post is supposed to reference their AL appearances, the presence of manjuu would already be enough for the copytag.
Yeah if manjuu is an AL thing then all posts should be tagged AL.
The bulk update request #36257 (forum #333654) has been approved by @evazion.