
Floral print kimono implication

Posted under Tags

Red_Terror said:

No matter how prevalent they are, I consider using composite *_print_(attire) tags feels redundant. While it can generally cover two-tag searches (print_* floral_print).

Previous (topic #25861)

I think given the high percentage of these being with other print objects with different prints, this implication should be approved.

The broad print clothing tags are frankly too broad and should be split amongst their specific prints. Outside of having no clue what kind of print it is, if specific print clothing tags were more common people would likely stop using the broader tags because they don't actually add much value in search or tagging in comparison to more specific print clothing tags.

We don't do this for tags like argyle, checkered, or striped forcing the garments with them under a tag like "patterned_shirt" and forcing users to use two-tag searches like "argyle patterned_shirt" so it seems nonsensical we're doing it for prints.


BUR #34411 has been rejected.

mass update floral_print_kimono -> print_kimono
nuke floral_print_kimono

Floral print kimono is unnecessary since print kimono and floral print covers it. Floral print kimonos already imply floral print so we can just update all of them to have print kimono and then nuke it.

AngryZapdos said:

I would much prefer to see all the other floral_print_x tags expanded and also implied to floral_print.

Other than floral_print_kimono with 3k posts, the only other floral_print_x tags with somewhat significant number of posts are floral print dress (641) and floral print bikini (517). I think all of them deserve to be nuked as well for the same reason but that can be handled in a different BUR (or even just manually cause most of them have <40 posts). I don't see why floral_print_* deserve special treatment when most prints don't have compound tags
