Posted under General
The bulk update request #35820 (forum #331753) has been approved by @nth_color.
BUR #35823 has been approved by @wispydreamer.
create alias singintheraiin -> hiropon_(owo_hiropon)
Same artist.
The bulk update request #35823 (forum #331764) has been approved by @wispydreamer.
The bulk update request #35828 (forum #331777) has been approved by @zetsubousensei.
WRS said:
@BingusX You're right but I'm once again doubtful about where you're pulling these romanisations from. Why do you have the name outside and inside the qualifier different ("Shukou" and "Syukou")? This is going to need verification.
Basically I use the "correct"-sounded romanization as the main tag, since the artist's name is a kanji, while keeping the weird romanization artist themselves use as their handle as a qualifier.
BUR #35831 has been approved by @vipguy64.
create alias hakkinnpt001 -> pt_(hakkinnpt001)
Adding the display name they use on all sites and when they've published manga.
The bulk update request #35831 (forum #331793) has been approved by @vipguy64.
BUR #35832 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias user_dcnx4853 -> sagen0603
Pixiv name is plain English, not sure why a stacc was used.
The bulk update request #35832 (forum #331795) has been approved by @WRS.
BingusX said:
Basically I use the "correct"-sounded romanization as the main tag, since the artist's name is a kanji, while keeping the weird romanization artist themselves use as their handle as a qualifier.
The "weird romanization" is perfectly acceptable to use if it's the artist's preference.
BUR #35833 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
category electro -> artist
rename electro -> positronika
So generic that someone changed it into an artist tag.
The bulk update request #35833 (forum #331799) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #35835 has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
create alias hampem7 -> roze_(ro_z7)
Switching to current name + twitter handle qualifier
The bulk update request #35835 (forum #331803) has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
BUR #35836 has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
create alias ariria_(nanayuri) -> riayaya
deadname -> current name
The bulk update request #35836 (forum #331805) has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
The bulk update request #35805 (forum #331676) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #35798 (forum #331618) has been approved by @evazion.