post #9000000 GET!

Notable world Mikus

Posted under Tags

Now the topic of discussion can orient itself back to the topic that was being had before the BUR was made - I still don't think Super Crown logic applies in the context of this meme. The examples brought up earlier from Bowsette were unconvincing because more than half were still derivative of ayyk92's original design, or otherwise fit the conditions met in the wiki, in the case of the ones with different hair color or cosplaying Odyssey's Bowser in his wedding dress.

Additionally, the proposed brazilian_miku -brazilian_miku_(erinartista) reveals a flaw, which is that the exception is what is usually tagged, not the rule (trying not to further universalize the mentality behind costume tagging), which means that we'd have a bunch of tiny 1 to 3 post Brazilian Miku tags appear instead - additionally, Brazilian Miku's design is attributed most of all to mitsuko tan, not erinartista, which can be noted by the fact that the Brazilian flag in the art is most often on her chest, not on her sleeve, even if mitsuko's version was inspired by erin's, so even if we had made a tag for that specific design, a simple qualifier attributing it to one or the other wouldn't suffice.

Echoing a previous sentiment: since pool #23198 was turned into the worldwide mikus tag, the pool ideally should not exist anymore and any Worldwide Mikus should be tagged as such. I just assume that no one has gotten around to nuking the pool yet or it's unsafe to do for whatever reason since none of the BURs in this topic contain a nuke line.

I don't quite like nuking giant pools like this myself despite a decision being made to convert it into a tag so although it would be easy to revert if I did it all in one go (better than DanbooruBot's weird way of doing it), I'm not actually sure if I'm allowed to or if there's a reason the pool isn't gone. That's something I leave in the hands of admins.

Alixiron said:

Why isn't the pool nuked? It feels redundant having them both applied to most posts

WRS said:

Echoing a previous sentiment: since pool #23198 was turned into the worldwide mikus tag, the pool ideally should not exist anymore and any Worldwide Mikus should be tagged as such. I just assume that no one has gotten around to nuking the pool yet or it's unsafe to do for whatever reason since none of the BURs in this topic contain a nuke line.

No one has gotten around to it because people don't seem to agree with the sentiment of nuking the pool. worldwide_miku -pool:23198 is:sfw covers way more than what the pool ever did due to the fact that it concentrates on the meme trend, per the wiki description, while pool:23198 -worldwide_miku more narrowly focuses on Miku as a world citizen, and that can include stuff predating the meme trend.

Damian0358 said:

No one has gotten around to it because people don't seem to agree with the sentiment of nuking the pool. worldwide_miku -pool:23198 is:sfw covers way more than what the pool ever did due to the fact that it concentrates on the meme trend, per the wiki description, while pool:23198 -worldwide_miku more narrowly focuses on Miku as a world citizen, and that can include stuff predating the meme trend.

Just editing the tag wiki to cover the older art like how the pool description already does would allow tagging the 61 posts (out of 851 posts) in that pool without the tag which would allow nuking it without much issues.

Alixiron said:

Just editing the tag wiki to cover the older art like how the pool description already does would allow tagging the 61 posts (out of 851 posts) in that pool without the tag which would allow nuking it without much issues.

But no one counts the older art as part of the meme trend, it would be going against the way literally everyone talks about it.

Damian0358 said:

No one has gotten around to it because people don't seem to agree with the sentiment of nuking the pool. worldwide_miku -pool:23198 is:sfw covers way more than what the pool ever did due to the fact that it concentrates on the meme trend, per the wiki description, while pool:23198 -worldwide_miku more narrowly focuses on Miku as a world citizen, and that can include stuff predating the meme trend.

Also I think a bunch of the posts in worldwide_miku -pool:23198 is:sfw should technically also be in the pool

Alixiron said:

Also I think many of the posts in worldwide_miku -pool:23198 is:sfw should technically also be in the pool

You would be in the minority then with that opinion, because, with the possible exception of some of the more recent art in that search (from within the last month), every other post in the search has something that disqualifies it from the pool, whether the art focusing moreso on the trend being applied on a different vocal synth character, it being more a reference to other media, literal animalizations, or meta art. You would have to flagrantly disregard what the pool is about to think they belong in the pool.

Damian0358 said:

But no one counts the older art as part of the meme trend, it would be going against the way literally everyone talks about it.

When do you think the meme will be considered dead and the tag will stop getting added? If it's going to continue to be added every relevant Miku post for years as well as getting added to the pool, the difference in number of posts without that tag in that pool is just going to continue to become smaller and smaller making it a lot more superfluous.

Damian0358 said:

No one has gotten around to it because people don't seem to agree with the sentiment of nuking the pool.

I see zero mentions or attempts in the forum. Was this discussed somewhere? It should have been done on the forum to have an official record. This just feels overall confusing to have two things that are effectively the same thing but are semantically different. If I'm uploading the first thing I look for is an adjacent tag and it would be weird to be told "uh technically that's not right" (or vice versa).

Alixiron said:

When do you think the meme will be considered dead and the tag will stop getting added? If it's going to continue to be added every relevant Miku post for years as well as getting added to the pool, the difference in number of posts without that tag in that pool is just going to continue to become smaller and smaller making it a lot more superfluous.

Technically speaking, the meme had already died by the end of September, but I don't think we'll see folks stopping from adding the tag because we literally have tons, and I mean, tons of art from the period when it was active that has yet to be uploaded to Danbooru, so you can't exactly add a cutoff to that. Not to mention anything that spawns as a meme because of something that originated from this meme, like the trend this month of Argentinian Miku getting fucked by futa Brazilian Miku (and since the pool had avoided adding is:nsfw stuff, most of that stuff already doesn't count for it).

WRS said:

I see zero mentions or attempts in the forum. Was this discussed somewhere? It should have been done on the forum to have an official record. This just feels overall confusing to have two things that are effectively the same thing but are semantically different. If I'm uploading the first thing I look for is an adjacent tag and it would be weird to be told "uh technically that's not right" (or vice versa).

Well, the absence of any discussion is what I focused on. That is to say, if you genuinely feel so strongly that the pool should die, just make a BUR for it and let the admins decide.

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