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BUR #34475 has been approved by @evazion.


create alias doughnut -> donut
create alias doughnut_hair_bun -> donut_hair_bun
create alias holding_doughnut -> holding_donut
create alias doughnut_innertube -> donut_innertube
create alias chocolate_doughnut -> chocolate_donut
create alias doughnut_hair_ornament -> donut_hair_ornament
create alias doughnut_stamp -> donut_stamp
create alias doughnut-shaped_pillow -> donut-shaped_pillow
create alias doughnut_print -> donut_print
create alias pink_doughnut -> pink_donut
create alias glazed_doughnut -> glazed_donut
create alias doughnut_bracelet -> donut_bracelet
create alias doughnut_halo -> donut_halo
create alias looking_through_doughnut -> looking_through_donut
create alias heart-shaped_doughnut -> heart-shaped_donut
create alias doughnut_earrings -> donut_earrings
create alias doughnut_background -> donut_background
create alias doughnut_shop -> donut_shop
create alias doughnut_day -> donut_day
create alias brock's_jelly_doughnuts_(meme) -> brock's_jelly_donuts_(meme)
create alias donut_box -> pastry_box

This seemed moderately divisive back in topic #1877, but since this topic can almost legally drive in some places, I think it's worth a revisit.

I've left out old-fashioned_doughnut, jelly_doughnut_(food) and honey_cake_(doughnut) since the common name seems to actually use "doughnut".

BUR #34476 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias old-fashioned_doughnut -> old-fashioned_donut
create alias jelly_doughnut_(food) -> jelly_donut_(food)
create alias honey_cake_(doughnut) -> honey_cake_(donut)

I find the justification for leaving these out poor.

If they're rooted in Wikipedia, Wikipedia spelling is generally based on whoever created the article first, with few exceptions, as they don't adhere to a strict spelling (+ doughnut is the global default)

LQ said:

BUR #34476 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias old-fashioned_doughnut -> old-fashioned_donut
create alias jelly_doughnut_(food) -> jelly_donut_(food)
create alias honey_cake_(doughnut) -> honey_cake_(donut)

I find the justification for leaving these out poor.

If they're rooted in Wikipedia, Wikipedia spelling is generally based on whoever created the article first, with few exceptions, as they don't adhere to a strict spelling (+ doughnut is the global default)

A doughnut or donut (/ˈdoʊnət/) is a type of pastry made from leavened fried dough.


The old-fashioned doughnut is a term used for a variety of cake doughnut prepared in the shape of a ring with a cracked surface and tapered edges.


A jelly doughnut, or jam doughnut, is a doughnut with a fruit preserve filling.

There's no article for honey cake, but the point is that the old-fashioned name seems to be specifically used for these products, despite "donut" being the common modern word. I don't think "well it's just Wikipedia spelling" is a sufficient reason to disregard it's specific word usage.

It's just <the root word> (spelling is regional) + a modifier for the type of donut. It's not brand-namey enough to preserve the alternate spelling. I would only keep the British spelling if it were, say, the name of an item in a video game. Like "red-coloured berry (blue archive)" or a very iconic "doughnut" item from a game

You'd need more American sources to justify using a nonstandard spelling for a common noun I think

LQ said:

It's just <the root word> (spelling is regional) + a modifier for the type of donut. It's not brand-namey enough to preserve the alternate spelling. I would only keep the British spelling if it were, say, the name of an item in a video game. Like "red-coloured berry (blue archive)" or a very iconic "doughnut" item from a game

You'd need more American sources to back that spelling up I think

My "source" is throwing "old-fashioned donut" into Google and seeing a flood of people call it an "old-fashioned doughnut" anyway, and the same not happening for other kinds. It at the very least deserves its own BUR since some people may feel stronger about this distinction.

For what it's worth, "old-fashioned donut" in quotes gives 3.3x as many results, jelly donut 5x as many, and honey cake donut 2x as many. So the initial results can be misleading

Edit: and "donut" gives 4x as many as "doughnut"
