post #9000000 GET!

Thoughts on Gelbooru?

Posted under General

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aimuahanhk said:

This website leeches posts from Danbooru, and its owner is a filthy AI bro.

It's true. One time he AI-generated a picture of me uploading to Sankaku Complex, and threatened to release it to the public if I didn't upload 500 futanari images within the next three days.

AngryZapdos said:

It's true. One time he AI-generated a picture of me uploading to Sankaku Complex, and threatened to release it to the public if I didn't upload 500 futanari images within the next three days.

Your tissue consumption casts doubt on the severity of that supposed "threat"

aimuahanhk said:

This website leeches posts from Danbooru

This is a good thing. It means the posts will still be available if Danbooru ever goes down.

My entire IP range got blocked from Gelbooru, so I haven't been able to log in in ike a month except with mobile data. Mods are very hands off and don't really care much about anything, and apparently blocks are permanent with no way to remove them.

mock said:

This is a good thing. It means the posts will still be available if Danbooru ever goes down.

Gel has a much higher chance of going down seeing how precarious it is.

Leeching off here is a good thing, means the images are backed up on multiple platforms.

It's not like evazion owns literally any of the IP here, so malding due to people mass downloading from here is especially ridiculous.

AngryZapdos said:

It's true. One time he AI-generated a picture of me uploading to Sankaku Complex, and threatened to release it to the public if I didn't upload 500 futanari images within the next three days.

Nah, he publicly admitted that he supports AI "art".

aimuahanhk said:

Nah, he publicly admitted that he supports AI "art".

Regardless of his stance, this forum is not the place to start drama about other sites. They have their rules, and we have ours. Our ban on AI was more about practicality than any moral stance against it anyway.